Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] having [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do carry a few prizes if I have requests but I prefer to have people involved and enjoying games for the fun of joining in and having a good time , rather than to win a reward .
2 And since even a polygonal story should have at least two sides in all international farewell orgies , how about packing it in and having a bash at normal behaviour eh , so as to get bashed again as whipping boy despite my morseled-out attempts to break free or go shiating on , turning the other cheek to sheer cheek as sitting target for the unclear missiles of affreux dizzy acts or as wailing wall of blame beyond the demarcation line or bowstring frontier that will boomerang back and much joy may it give me. ( 102 )
3 At the hotel he told the taxi to wait , and after checking in and having a quick clean-up in our rooms , we drove out to Teotihuacan .
4 And there 's two houses here oh i it might be an idea , although I would n't mind going in and having a look .
5 ‘ It 's all in the position of the head , ’ said Fred , sitting down and having a beer .
6 I understood though I mean it , it looks from many of these er publications as though it 's meant to convey that Mr and Mr Wogan are sitting down and having a conversation or Ms Rippon is n't it ? , that 's how it 's presented , is that right ?
7 And by sitting down and having a technical and commercial conversation together
8 They got no putting a bit of best clothes on and having a good time breaking in in people 's houses and one thing and another .
9 Working hard for no pay , never getting a day off and having no financial independence are the most common complaints .
10 I just remember having a great time and then feeling tired and going off and having a sleep .
11 They just drive round perhaps driving it parking it up and having a walk
12 A rare one she is for putting her feet up and having an early supper in front of the telly you 've put in her room . ’
13 Whereas in the past there have been various pressure groups setting themselves up as having a special reason for being heard thanks to their scientific credentials , perhaps the wisest comment on this came from the professor who , while urging scientists to make their voices heard , also urged them not to make any special claims to knowledge or understanding of the issues just because they were scientists .
14 ‘ It 's weird how people think that Craig and I are together — they assume we must be going out or having an affair , ’ says Jo .
15 Jon sees the key to it all as simply getting out and having a good time : ‘ I just do it for a laugh , basically .
16 ‘ Shoot the lot of them , ’ I said , thinking about getting out and having a cigarette ( no smoking on the champagne-hued leather of the Merc ) .
17 Just when you 're looking forward to pushing the boat out and having a spending spree , your sensible side reminds you of all the practical and prudent things you should be doing with any extra money you have .
18 but he he were getting cos you were going out and having a drink er on er Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays and Sundays .
19 NORTHERN Ireland stands out as having the highest number of long-term unemployed .
20 Corrie 's Original Easy Kneeler Stool ( about £33 ) is robustly constructed and comes with a foam mat that can be used to kneel on when weeding or , turned over , to sit on while having a rest and a cup of tea .
21 Erm indeed there are many within in the education system , particularly older men seem to have this attitude in my experience , that y'know it 's just it 's just boys messing about and having a good time .
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