Example sentences of "[adv prt] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yes When I put on red one day , I mean I do n't think I have anything in red do I , but when I put on my clothes in the morning
2 Please pass on my congratulations to the Editor and his team for what must have been a considerable amount of sustained commitment , in producing such a high quality publication for the benefit of all members and the industry in general . ’
3 Will my hon. Friend pass on my congratulations to all who were involved in that improvement ?
4 When I stop I want to pass on my skills to youngsters . ’
5 Mum took me back chez Hamish and Tone ; she agreed to pass on my expressions of contrition to my father .
6 May I also pass on my thanks to your master for providing such a great venue for my business lunches .
7 Pass on my words to the nobles for consideration .
8 But the recognition did n't flash along my neurons in time to activate my legs before the thing exploded in my face with a breathy puff .
9 Far from cutting down my flights of arrows since learning of the tumours in my lung , I had sharpened the tips and ranged even more bowmen on the heights and so deadly were the mental arrow storms nothing could possibly have stayed alive .
10 I only wish I had the power of putting down my thoughts in clear and sensible language .
11 I shall try to do so and also follow your suggestion of writing down my dreams at the time of waking .
12 It might help you to know that I have been writing down my dreams on waking , an accepted practice , I believe , in some circles , and perhaps of more use in my case than in some as I am by profession a writer .
13 He wrote down my measurements in a little notebook .
14 Seventeen blissful years with nary a thought of green sunblock , purple reflective goggles or navy blue knockers and not a knot in my stomach , in anticipation of hurtling off a glacier with sweat running down my longjohns into my boot-bindings .
15 I try to suck in my cheeks like all those Donnie Munro pictures , but the jowls still wobble alarmingly .
16 It was a great blow to the local community when , in 1982 , BP quickly ran down their operations at Lightpill and closed the mill .
17 But now , in the main , companies are leaner and fitter ; they have pared down their operations in order to survive .
18 The companies , which were ordered to close down their operations in the reserves , have been found by Friends of the Earth to trade with several British importers including James Latham and Richard Burbridge .
19 But the great behind-the-scenes event of the Blackpool conference has been the secret series of meetings between Norman Lamont , the Chief Secretary to the Treasury , and spending ministers to whittle down their bids for spending next year .
20 Rabbits often disappear down their holes at great speed and without slowing up , so they clearly need an excellent assessment of exactly where to jump , to avoid bumping into the sides of their front entrance .
21 Citizens who had the orthodox Soviet version of Ukrainian history rammed down their throats for decades are now being told a completely different version , arguably also coloured by the political prejudices of its authors .
22 His son is standing near the main entrance , ready for the journey , carrying a stick , a spear and a small leather bottle , similar to the sort of thing drunken youths use to squirt wine down their throats before braving the bulls in Pamplona .
23 Privet hedges drooped with the weary strain of keeping in green leaf at the turn of the year when all the other trees had thrown down their leaves in surrender .
24 The SSA would not normally condone betting , but for a good cause head office staff are positively encouraged to have a flutter by SSA chairman On February 5 around 8O people put down their stakes for four horse and four videoed greyhound races .
25 In Sheffield a small , interconnected group of industrialists dominated football , passing down their directorships from father to son like family property .
26 I 've never met Sir Brian or Sir Oliver and have only met Sir Bernard a few times , but I instinctively feel that all six would lay down their lives without hesitation for a damsel in distress .
27 They had true grievances to settle and were ready to lay down their lives for vengeance .
28 To tradition and instinct , de Castelnau could add personal reasons for wanting to hit hard at the enemy ; three of his sons had already laid down their lives for France .
29 When the balance sheet was finally totted up after the war , it was estimated that 1O , OOO Frenchmen alone had laid down their lives on this one small corner of France .
30 Oh Lord who to see that all the world , we thank thee for those who fought and those who laid down their lives in the cause of righteousness and freedom .
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