Example sentences of "[adv prt] [noun] for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 But as her husband 's health declined she took on responsibility for maintaining the farm and orchard which was the family 's main source of income .
2 ‘ This is an exciting and challenging time to take on responsibility for leading the firm , ’ Mr Freedman said .
3 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
4 But , again , it will not be as easy to lay down rules for writing it , since it is basically a version of the blueprint detective story but with all its rules loosened .
5 ‘ ( 1 ) Does Community law affect the conditions under which a member state lays down rules for determining which vessels are entitled to register in that state , to fly its flag and carry its nationality ?
6 ‘ ( 1 ) Does Community law affect the conditions under which a member state lays down rules for determining which vessels are entitled to register in that state , to fly its flag and carry its nationality ?
7 Other market proxies have laid down rules for pricing according to marginal cost .
8 The tour set for twelve to eighteen months starting in summer 1993 and sales of a catalogue with colour reproductions of Barnes works , are expected to bring in funds for renovating the foundation 's gallery building and bringing its operations up to modern standards .
9 I , I do n't often agree with Jim about anything , but I really do agree with him about this , that there has to be some clear guidelines , I think , as to how these are fixed , they are not going be have the potential of being very unfair to people because people operate in different ways in different areas and I would suggest that it would be a good idea if this community were to ask for erm guidelines to be drafted for this committee to agree so that there is a more even fair , laid down procedure for dealing with the cases coming before the panel .
10 The County Council , faced with making savings of around £2 million in its social services budget , is considering bringing in charges for using the centres .
11 Mr Ferman said previous computer games have not been covered by the 1984 Video Recordings Act , which lays down criteria for rating videos .
12 Where accommodation is provided for a child ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority , the home authority may take over responsibility for accommodating the child within three months of receiving written notification of the situation ( s20(2) ) .
13 Ingres is now under the firm charge of ex-DEC European chief and now ASK Group president Pier Carlo Falotti , replacing Dennis McGinn who has taken over responsibility for developing strategic partners for the company .
14 Why would you want to take over responsibility for handling run-time errors ? when BBCBASIC(Z80) detects a run-time error , it reports it and RETURNS TO THE COMMAND MODE .
15 Prime Minister Nicholas Brathwaite took over responsibility for Planning from Brizan and passed his own Information portfolio to Carlyle Glean , the Minister of Education , Culture , Youth Affairs and Sport .
16 The risk of the Kantineservice decision is that , although there is no true transfer of an undertaking when the franchisor is changed , the person acquiring the franchise may be seen as taking over responsibility for running the undertaking and will normally retain the original employees .
17 The faster US troops can turn over responsibility for keeping the peace to Panamanian forces , officials said , the better the US invasion would look to Latin Americans .
18 The legal staff of Customs and Excise , for example , carry on prosecutions for smuggling in magistrates ' courts , and brief counsel for the higher courts .
19 He expressed the hope that these corporate bodies would not only take on responsibilities for regulating economic activity but would also form a moral community for their members .
20 ‘ Referees now have no hesitation in sending off players for tripping , but often take a more lenient view of use of the elbow , which causes far more damage . ’
21 Each is dusting off schemes for supporting innovative industry .
22 There is a meeting of the Police Committee on Monday and there is an item on their budget for the provision of the camera and of the back up support for processing the offenders as part of their budget proposals and they will be considering that on Monday .
23 Britain 's packaging industry has been given until the end of the year to draw up plans for recycling 50-75 per cent of all packaging waste by the year 2000 .
24 The seminar also rejected a British and Dutch proposal which would have extended the study to create an international database on endangered tree species , and drawn up plans for monitoring trade in timber , including the " development of international trade controls " .
25 SPURRED on by the prospect of imminent defence cuts , the US Army has drawn up plans for cutting its forces in Europe by half , and recasting the army of the future into a rapid-deployment force , able to intervene in Third World trouble spots , in terrorist situations and to fight the war on drugs .
26 He was about to divide up responsibility for checking Angela Morgan 's last recorded movements when Bruce Davidson knocked and put his head in .
27 Reliable data to help to predict the spread of the HIV infection are seen as vital by the Department of Health as it draws up strategies for fighting Aids .
28 Even drawing up proposals for recycling waste materials in Britain requires ten sub-committees .
29 Demands for the NEC to draw up proposals for widening the party franchise were led by John Edmonds , general secretary of the GMB .
30 As members of the Field Methods and Analytical Methods Committees of IGCP 259 , BGS staff helped to draw up proposals for sampling and analytical methodologies for international geochemical mapping .
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