Example sentences of "[adv] [be] the case " in BNC.

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1 This would especially be the case , it would seem , if a company were contemplating a move to total quality control for the first time .
2 This will especially be the case should it not be possible to agree terms with the preferred bidder , as it may then be necessary to open negotiations with another party before all the indicative offerers become aware of the initial set back .
3 This would only be the case if the latter entitled the individual to look to the government for the provision of certain welfare benefits .
4 Clearly this would only be the case if the company was perceived as an entity distinct from its shareholders so that it followed that the company and not the shareholders would be liable for any debts .
5 But this will only be the case if the debt continues to be remembered as an unrequited obligation by both parties to the transaction .
6 It would appear that an obligation of confidence may arise in relation to information which is overheard but it seems that this will only be the case where the recipient has used surreptitious means to put himself in a position to overhear the information .
7 When a bequest fails through the death of the person for whom it was intended , and does not pass under a residuary bequest , as must necessarily be the case if the bequest which falls is itself residuary , the property will be dealt with as upon an intestacy .
8 The point is that the second version contains superfluous and irrelevant information , though this would not necessarily be the case if we were explaining what we do in the morning to an ( English-speaking ! )
9 Crompton and Jones suggest that in the future it will not necessarily be the case that male clerks will be able to enjoy so much upward mobility .
10 * Costs and revenues are assumed to behave in a linear fashion ; this will not necessarily be the case .
11 No doubt this will shortly be the case , where it is not so already , in other European countries .
12 This should soon be the case with all educated men ; and might be brought about sooner with formal contacts between the BAAS and Parliament .
13 Present trends indicate that by the end of this Century , this will no longer be the case .
14 Without the Asylum Bill , that would no longer be the case .
15 Now we have adequate capacity that should no longer be the case . ’
16 It requires a firmer discipline than would normally be the case , and this should be consistently maintained by all parties whilst allowing the child to enjoy a happy and satisfying childhood .
17 Due to the timescale involved in ordering the guitar and building it , this competition will close a little earlier than would normally be the case — on 19th February 1993 .
18 ‘ Generally ‘ to stand ’ means to allow the motor vehicle ( or trailer ) to remain stationary and does not necessarily mean unattended ( Hinde v Evans ( 1906 ) 70 JP 548 ) although this will normally be the case .
19 If you are forced to retire early through ill health , you may be entitled to more generous relief than would otherwise normally be the case .
20 This will normally be the case of R1 is a reasonably good approximation , when the elements of unc will be small .
21 Where , as will normally be the case , the breach is such as must in the ordinary course of business inflict damage on the plaintiff , he may succeed without proof of any particular damage .
22 At 8.30 , the cyclist was arriving at the finish , the motorbike had arrived 5 mins before ( but note , no time had been taken in finding a parking place , which would normally be the case ) ; the car was at the Morrison St — Lothian Road junction , and the bus had taken ten minutes to reach George IV Bridge , less than a mile .
23 This would normally be the case when a useful module , or modules , needs to be used by more than one project team .
24 However , and this could easily be the case in the larger surveying organisation , it may not be in the interests of either effective management or particular individuals to maintain this full-scale participation of all members .
25 And this can so easily be the case , for such premises are instilled into the scientific mind set at an early age , becoming accepted points of reference , though really they are often nothing more than habits of thought .
26 The shell only needed to hit one of the skaters — though it did indeed need to strike a target and not be wasted , as might easily be the case when fired seemingly without aiming .
27 Where some parties gain and lose , as will usually be the case in schema-breaking situations , change can be a complex process .
28 On the other hand , it is argued in { 10 } that , if we look only at parameter values reasonably far from the critical value , it will usually be the case that the cumulative effect of the whole sequence of complicated bifurcations occurring near the critical parameter value is just to add a single symmetric periodic orbit to the system .
29 Sometimes a partner will be recruited on the strength of his professional expertise alone and yet receive a share in the firm 's capital : where such arrangement can properly be regarded as commercial ( and this will usually be the case ) there will be no adverse tax consequences ( see Chapter 10 ) .
30 That will be the primary object even in the case of the death of one of two partners if , as would usually be the case , it is desired that the survivor should acquire the entire business .
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