Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The hotel was n't really big enough for her to get confused as she checked up whether to turn left or right down the passage .
2 It was comparatively easy for the German troops to frustrate any rapid advance by Allied troops , particularly in the vast mountainous regions which stretch right down the centre of Italy .
3 Fifth Avenue , sliced right down the centre of the island , felt liberatingly airy because of the gigantic proportions of every shape and space .
4 Busacher snorted , drank , and wandered over to look at the long table which had been set up right down the centre of Willi 's big living room .
5 I decided the only thing to do was throw her in at the deep end and go right down the village high street , where the roads were busiest and noisiest with holiday-makers , and simply stand there trying to calm her down .
6 Instead of swallowing them , however , the eggs are taken into the vocal sac which is unusually large and extends right down the underside of the male 's body .
7 She watched , as , starting at the shoulder , he wound it right down the arm and the hand , covering the fingers , then wound it back up to the shoulder again .
8 He was right , a fire watcher came in saying that there was a stick of small unexploded bombs right down the Palace Road but that the junction of Munster and Dawes Road had had a hundred pounder and houses had gone .
9 It is one of the few pubs in London where the landlord and his staff have mastered the art of pulling a really good pint of bitter : one with a creamy head which lasts right down the glass .
10 In 1986 he took over the captaincy from Fletcher and led them to their third championship in four years , but early in 1987 he suffered a bad loss of form and the team slipped right down the table .
11 He decided to attack right down the landing path , diving from behind them , and he nudged his throbbing aircraft slightly to one side .
12 There is a commitment within the company to develop worker 's skills right down the line , and this has been done through training and education schemes .
13 Riffs equated with biffs right down the line .
14 Right down the line .
15 The withdrawal showed how scared companies are of the negative publicity they might receive if they do not clean up their acts right down the line .
16 ‘ Look at the intensity of the preparations for major matches , ’ he says , ‘ The expenses could not be met without sponsorship but it is also good to see this kind of money being used right down the line .
17 These stripes run right down the body , but peter out near the base of the tail .
18 All lit up , right down the coast there .
19 The Sox do not merely snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ; they reach right down the oesophagus to retrieve it .
20 His party of three ships had travelled from Lisbon out to Malacca with Albuquerque , thence down the Strait and past the immense island of Borneo to the confused archipelago where all spices known to man grew in wild profusion .
21 The northern ( and earlier ) approach was by passes across the Ural mountains to the lower reaches of the river Obn and thence down the Ob Gulf by boat to the mouth of the Tazn which was ascended as far as a portage to the lower Yenisei ; from there they followed an eastward course up the Lower Tunguska river , crossing a portage to the Vilyui and so to the Lena .
22 Nothing for it but to go back the way you came , to Neu St Johann , thence down the Toggenburg valley through the resorts of Nesslau and Ebnat-Kappel to Wattwil .
23 An unshaded fitting glared weakly down the cellar steps .
24 Turning from the ugly sight of the old woman 's contorted features , she fled the room , running incontinently down the gallery to the stairs , unaware that Hector , barking excitedly , ran out after her .
25 He walked slowly down the pavements .
26 The driver got down from the cab and walked slowly down the platform and disappeared through a solid wooden door .
27 I put my gown on , taking as long as I could , and walked slowly down the passage to Nonni 's room .
28 It was noticed , too , that he had taken the precaution of having some shoes with built-up heels made , so that when the ceremony was over and he took his wife 's arm to move slowly down the aisle , he appeared to be the same height as her , or very nearly .
29 The figure walked slowly down the shed .
30 He is carried slowly down the centre aisle upon a cushioned palanquin , borne upon the naked shoulders of four local May Queens .
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