Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He turned right into Caldecott Road , left into Howard 's Avenue , right on to Mainwaring Road and up the wide thoroughfare that led to Wimbledon Hill .
2 I could not bear to see him suffer and so I threw myself wholeheartedly on to Nonni 's side , arguing passionately that my aunts ' lack of interest in day-to-day matters was a boring affectation ; that Nonni was much more ‘ real ’ and ‘ closer to life ’ .
3 The child struggled gamely on to page two but Seemed to suspect that , after a page turn of this quality , anything else was liable to be an anti-climax .
4 The sun , incandescent orange , dropped slowly on to pier 56 and made the buttes of mid-town Manhattan shine like fool 's gold .
5 Bawiti was a village of crooked streets and blank-walled houses which faced inward on to courtyards .
6 England 's purpose-built attack was carrying out its duties to the letter , right down to Munton 's strike soon after his delayed introduction .
7 Performance indicators quickly became used as a diagnostic tool to " inform " the accountability reviews which in turn developed " from departmental monitoring of broad strategies to deep monitoring of short-term operational plans and of control systems stretching right down to unit level " ( Harrison et al.
8 Even Gollum , though seen by the elves , vanishes ‘ down the Silverlode southward ’ , i.e. on the far bank , and according to Aragorn has followed the Fellowship only ‘ right down to Nimrodel ’ .
9 They would n't , the miners hardly got anything and there used to be soup kitchens for us and er when it first started in nineteen twenty six and er I was pregnant with my second one and I used to walk right down to Pit with a lace , great big lace basket , they would n't let the men fetch the coal and we had to push the coal from there right to the , oh they 've no idea love , no idea .
10 It believes that unless the final COSE specification is very tight , and goes right down to things like icons and bars , then there is certain to be a wide variety of very different COSE interfaces on the market .
11 It believes that unless the final COSE specification is very tight , and goes right down to things such as icons and bars , then there is certain to be a wide variety of very different COSE interfaces on the market .
12 An exact replica of one of them is being shipped to Armenia , right down to blackboards and chalk , but it 's taken top level agreement between Mr Gorbachev and Mrs Thatcher to make it happen .
13 From desk bods right down to people in the field .
14 They get right down to business .
15 Church had followed his Albatros right down to ground level .
16 It needs to make access top information simple , right down to desktop level .
17 Skinhead tastes are ‘ right down to earth ’ .
18 Then a few drops of water fell on the side and fell right down to earth .
19 It gives an evocative glimpse of a winter landscape : ‘ In those days we travelled on push-bikes and the rampart right along to Ballinary was high and soft .
20 Heading east from Poole in Dorset right along to Dover in Kent there are sights to see and bargain breaks waiting to be snapped up .
21 When last heard of Uncle Charles had been keeping a Malaysian girl less than half his.age in a Vancouver penthouse but George managed to recall some less interesting small-talk and like winged seeds the conversation spiralled delicately down to business .
22 Aware that the dress had a fey , other-worldish air that was light-years away from her own rather down to earth personality , Laura gave a nervous shrug of her shoulders .
23 The oxidation of carbohydrates requires the presence of an electron transport system which in most nematodes can operate aerobically down to oxygen tensions of 5.0 mm Hg or less .
24 So on to greyhounds a little earlier than usual , it 's the quarter final of the prestigious Pall Mall at Oxford Stadium tonight , the meeting starts at seven thirty .
25 However , it may be possible to direct southbound traffic only on to Woolmer Road , while maintaining northbound traffic on the existing A325 .
26 Trace the templates ( see overleaf ) on to non-stick paper , then re-trace the outlines only on to pieces of firm card so that you have a paper and card template of each shape .
27 Moving swiftly on to London and the ITN Newsdesk .
28 Moving swiftly on to London and the ITN Newsdesk .
29 Do not make the mistake of putting the two sets of shoulder stitches back to working position and running the whole lot together on to waste yarn as this can be a nuisance when you need to unravel parts of the waste yarn while you join the shoulders together .
30 He drove with fierce concentration , and sometimes his fierceness spilled over on to the passengers — especially on to Barbara , who sat beside him and navigated .
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