Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Heating water etc. to cope with large quantities of laundry made for a periodic need to bring in extra labour over that maintained in the household .
2 After the intensive twelve months support with the project , girls need somewhere to come with any problems that may occur later .
3 This makes it well suited to road use while it is still sturdy enough to cope with bumpy paths and tracks .
4 If she denied fitzAlan 's story so she could have the solar to herself , she would become lost in a morass of other lies and explanations , and her mind was n't clear enough to cope with such a task .
5 It is recommended that your database is large enough to cope with current LIFESPAN data plus an allocation for future data .
6 ‘ I think the squad is good enough to cope with any injuries we might suffer .
7 The bandwidth of such a system is wide enough to cope with high-definition television which requires around 30 MHz , instead of 8 MHz , per channel .
8 does she agree that there 's something bizarre in er I certainly agree successful experiment it bringing to an end because it 's a successful experiment , er clearly the policy is only to continue with unsuccessful experiments .
9 Although the technology is available now , it will not be launched commercially until the first quarter of 1994 , because Ms Burke said , she wanted to be sure the company was geared up sufficiently to cope with any demands made on it .
10 There are a number of modelling programs suitable for use on microcomputers at a price which is so low that a complete system often costs less than the terminals used merely to communicate with larger computers .
11 You 're old enough to behave with some circumspection . ’
12 In order not to seem too dictatorial , and perhaps to conform with some grass-roots grocer-Tory image , ministers have sometimes spoken as if their aim was not so much to take powers to themselves ( and thus away from Local Authorities ) as to give powers to parents .
13 Correct preparation is vitally important , so to help with last minute advice and tips , RUNNING Magazine and Nike are hosting a London Marathon seminar on the afternoon of Saturday April 20 at 1pm .
14 Nothing satisfied his urge to descend lower , until he was low enough to identify with these men who lay entombed in cramped cells , and crawled on all fours in the dark .
15 She had to wear a brace for many years before she was well enough to walk with two sticks , and I still carry in my mind the picture of her trying to walk around the room and on the landing , hobbling in her iron braces .
16 We could learn from the American experience of using the National Guard not only to help with civil disasters but also with drug enforcement , which are both areas in which we can not have too much help , provided that it is properly directed and properly trained .
17 The Government needs not only to help with after-school childcare but to put a proper amount of money into that service .
18 I 've been lucky enough to play with several international captains — Colin Deans , Gary Callander , Finlay Calder and David Sole — and they have all been splendid leaders , different in their own ways but earning the respect of their colleagues .
19 Deaf people even after they began to be educated , were thought only to deal with concrete information , to understand only the here-and-now .
20 They knew that the village police sergeant and constable were there not only to deal with ordinary crime but to report on any political activity in their district .
21 She does not deny the philosophical impetus toward a Horatian retirement , but suggests that garden retreats often had less to do with spiritual delights than with ‘ the bodily and social pleasures of a fashionable men 's club transposed to rural surroundings …
22 Indeed , this sexual labelling had less to do with actual sexual practices than with the extent to which young women 's behaviour conformed to the popular ideas of ‘ femininity ’ — for instance by the use of swear words or loud behaviour , ( this is more fully discussed in Sue Lees , 1986 ) .
23 Conscription , they protested , had less to do with military preparedness than with providing the Government with the power to coerce the labour movement .
24 I personally find it hardest to deal with married men , still sexually active with their wives while seeking casual unsafe sex with gay men and refusing either to change their sexual style or to consider the possible results .
25 Contemporary surveys also make use of such questions , especially to do with face-sheet information about a respondent , such as age , marital status , and so on , but usually in conjunction with other types .
26 It may not occur ; pupils may be resilient enough to deal with negative social encounters themselves , or may have the kind of personality that makes them unlikely to arise .
27 Although passage through the gut did not improve germination rates , it must be remembered that the birds are the only frugivores large enough to deal with some of the fruits , e.g. Casuarius casuarius in Queensland taking Beilschmiedia ( Lauraceae ) fruits and passing the seeds more or less intact even though they are 6 cm diameter and weigh 52g .
28 government was , however , ‘ attracted to the principle of using the skills of advice agencies , especially to deal with those areas of work in which their special experience is likely to be greater than that of many solicitors in private practice .
29 I know booksellers who regard the written word with the utmost suspicion , profess that they do not understand it , and will have nothing to do with it ; dealers who specialise in autograph material , but will not touch books — unless , of course , they happen to be on the subject of autographs ; and many who maintain an ambivalent attitude , preferring to keep their options open and , if they can afford it , employing some eccentric especially to deal with this awkward material .
30 Many go to establishments set up especially to deal with British national tastes in food , drink , and entertainment .
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