Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [that] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And he 's intelligent enough to know that HOP are n't gon na get off that easily .
2 We 've known each for long enough to know that silence is better if there is nothing specific to say .
3 Firstly , I have been in football management long enough to know that team changes at this late stage will do nothing for the confidence of existing players .
4 The person or creature — one of your sub-personalities — starts to argue with you , telling you all the reasons why you are wrong , and why you would do much better to believe that life is full of suffering !
5 He adds , however , that to recognize the point is only to recognize that testing is what matters .
6 The Trust 's management is aware of the dangers , and seeks constantly to ensure that growth is matched by clear , flexible procedures which promote vitality and experimentation , by a healthy eagerness on the part of the managers to manage , and above all , by the delegation of responsibility right through the organisation .
7 I 'd think that I have seen enough to say that cricket could never be the be-all-and-end-all of life for me .
8 It 's not good enough to say that union members can only participate if they become full members of the Party .
9 However , it is good enough to say that light entering one end of the fibre will reflect repeatedly along its length and eventually emerge at the other end ( see Fig 4 ) .
10 During January , six planets are visiting your sign , so to say that life 's likely to be busy , fun and demanding for the next few months is an understatement .
11 The progression and results of this study ( which took a number of years and involved the House of Lords Record Office , the British Library , the Public Record Office and the College of Arms , as well as the Bridport manuscript books and medieval wills and testaments ) have been presented not only to show that reference books can be wrong , but that the wealth of material available to the local historian can be utilized to very positive effect over an extremely narrow range as over a wide one .
12 It would certainly be naive just to assume that nerve cells are the same in molluscs as in people , but fortunately it is possible to rely on more than assumption .
13 Recent outbreaks of salmonella have declined to sharply , according to latest Government statistics , but experts have warned that it is too soon to conclude that salmonella is under control .
14 This should be altered to apply generally to ensure that nature conservation issues are taken into account in all development decision-making .
15 As she stepped out of the bathroom she stole a quick glance at the bed , just to check that Kirsty was still sleeping .
16 Just to say that claim had been processed at his end , had all relevant documentation , etc .
17 All these changes , just to prove that TOTP can still cut it in the ratings game .
18 The people who do this , often expert in their own field , astronomy or whatever it may be , seem sincerely to believe that Darwinism explains living organization in terms of chance — " single- step selection " — alone .
19 You can hammer around the statistics until the cows come home to argue that flying is less dangerous than any other form of transport .
20 Parliamentary intervention was necessary , partly to allay friction between the established church and Nonconformists , and partly to ensure that cemetery space was allotted at minimum cost to the poor .
21 Which answer will help us most to ensure that life can go on on this planet ?
22 A 1991 report by the province 's auditor-general lambasted government foresters for doing little to ensure that logging companies met British Columbia 's standards — which are far more lax than those employed by the United States Forest Service just south of the border .
23 Marie was ready now to believe that Gazzer could have stolen the keys and wrecked the kiosk .
24 These are potentially valuable rights for many senior executives , but you will do well to remember that litigation is apt to be an uncertain , protracted and depressing business .
25 ‘ Had you any reason to believe or even to suspect that Riddle might have been the father of your daughter 's baby ? ’
26 Analgesia is usually given regularly to ensure that pain is kept under control at all times .
27 LEADERS of the five TUC-affiliated ambulance unions will meet regional representatives today to ensure that action is sustained in the nearly 13-week dispute , but to stifle any calls for escalation .
28 Bush has made it plain that US forces are there simply to ensure that relief gets through to those who need it , although it might help more if the troops sorted out the renegade gangs stealing the food .
29 The objective of the Government , as we have said before , is not to penalise property held on discretionary trust — or other settled property — but simply to ensure that property held in this form does not continue to have the capital tax advantages it has in practice enjoyed with estate duty by comparison with property beneficially owned by individuals .
30 They are then chilled and filtered to remove the remaining yeast and are usually pasteurised as well to ensure that death is complete .
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