Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , their Lordships think it right to concentrate attention on the reasons given by Barnett J. for the order now under appeal .
2 Some lords were fortunate enough to gather aids on other occasions ; many lords had great difficulty in gathering aids at all .
3 Would you please be good enough to arrange signature on behalf of Three Vee Ltd ?
4 It does not purport to be a fully comprehensive report but merely to provide information on key issues which may be relevant to potential investors .
5 This plan is useful only for people whose incomes have risen fast enough to meet payments on the new loan and the debt on their old mortgage .
6 The introduction of cash crops and an increasing population acted together to increase pressure on the land significantly , in specific cases even to critical levels , such as in Ruanda and in the ‘ reserves ’ of Kenya and Zimbabwe .
7 Cross-curricular groups take several forms , from particular task groups ( eg to provide guidelines on homework policy , to review the school 's assessment policy ) , through more long-term tasks of working parties ( eg equal opportunities : gender ) to standing committees ( eg TVEI steering group ) .
8 It is not unusual for a receiver to continue to run a business while he is selling off the charged assets and in doing so to purchase goods on credit .
9 Section 40(1) permits the court only to award compensation on an application made by the employee which inter alia establishes that the latter made the patented invention which is of outstanding benefit to the employer and that ‘ by reason of those facts it is just that the employee should be awarded compensation ’ .
10 But once she took over the directorship of the Institute for Chemical Research in Bucharest ( ICECHIM ) , she began to purge those scientists who had been foolish enough to cast doubt on her credentials or to refuse to ‘ co-operate ’ with her research .
11 Raft , n , an improvised float of planks fastened together to give support on water .
12 I have faith in your erm in your business instinct Richard , but not , but not enough to put money on it till I see them
13 The degree programme is designed to be flexible enough to allow emphasis on language or literature depending on preference .
14 Earlier , in June , the Finance Minister , Theodor Stolojan had said that it was not possible suddenly to remove controls on prices without creating an inflationary spiral in the ensuing price-wage explosion , although he agreed that the current pricing mechanism distorted prices and adversely affected supply and demand .
15 Obviously , SHe 'd have to ratbelly hir way out of this place first , if only to get Malamute on his own .
16 They now need only to beat Finland on 15 November to be sure of their place in Italy .
17 Another firm , Keith Bayley Rogers & Co ( 071–378 0657 ) also continues only to charge commission on transactions , and stresses that it has a large and long-established client basis and no need to churn portfolios .
18 Even in this regard however it could be argued that physical geography has not reacted sufficiently to undertake research on major global problems such as the increase of atmospheric CO 2 , the incidence of acid rain , the demise of the Amazon rainforest , the implications of world soil erosion , or the general field of environmental pollution .
19 Trap centres : those where additional energy is required to raise the energy state sufficiently to produce luminescence on transition to the ground state .
20 With grants available to all who could gain entry to university or polytechnic , initial teaching training courses came to be filled , in part , with young people whose ‘ A ’ level grades were not high enough to gain entrance on conventional university course .
21 In the 1930s , they earned enough to make payments on their debentures and , usually , on their preference shares , though ordinary shareholders got very little .
22 Julius Baer recently announced that its profits fell by nearly a fifth last year , to SFr35m ( $28m ) , thanks largely to lower commissions on share deals .
23 There would , of course , be a temptation for small partnerships and sole traders to convert to the Limited Company form of operation just to avoid tax on distribution to the proprietors , so it might be necessary to levy a Stamp duty on companies as part of their annual running costs ; this would compensate the national exchequer for any abuse .
24 The use of a non-exhaustive list of examples has been usefully employed elsewhere to put flesh on the bones of a general standard ( see , for example , UCTA 1977 , Sched 2 ) .
25 Chester , who was soon to accompany Coleridge on the journey into Europe , was yet another who had been drawn to him ‘ as flies are to honey ’ , and now trotted happily beside his two talkative companions , bow-legged and awestruck .
26 Well I went to work on the Saturday morning at six and we were dredging until half past twelve , then we would , then do repairs till five o'clock at night and then five o'clock at night , when the other crew had gone home , when I start to stay there then from five o'clock Saturday night till Monday morning six o'clock all the time just to keep watch on the dredger , I used to sleep mind you during part of the time and erm used to have a big old tortoise stove down the cabin and make good fire .
27 Many poor countries are so deeply in hock that they end up borrowing just to pay interest on their initial debts : the poorest people of the world are slaves to the banks . ’
28 Our main 1979 survey was designed largely to throw light on this relationship between people 's knowledge about credit and how they make actual shopping decisions — the first major study to explore this in this country , and more searching in this respect than even the valuable American studies carried out recently for the National Commission on Consumer Finance and the Federal Reserve Board .
29 Like the Flying Dutchman , condemned for ever to roam the world 's oceans , the right hon. Gentleman is condemned for ever to attend debates on guillotine motions in an attempt to expiate his past sins in that area .
30 There were fears that the army and military police would now move quickly to impose control on the Miguel Castro Castro prison in Lima , where an estimated 900 Sendero inmates had created no-go areas to emphasize their political status .
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