Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was all ending so beautifully : the picnic , and Mr Evans being so nice , and the ring and the knife , and now this last , lovely tea , with faces she loved round the table .
2 ‘ Sally was dad 's lynch-pin and her death was a great shock , especially coming so close to the loss of my mum .
3 ‘ Luke ! ’ she broke in urgently , suddenly shaking so badly she could hardly stand .
4 All in all , she was suddenly feeling so deeply vulnerable that she was scared to death of what might happen next .
5 But at least the hole in its order book is no longer growing so fast .
6 And he must have done some healing , because he was no longer moving so slowly .
7 It is particularly pleasing to see some of our more recently qualified teachers already participating so fully to the life , and continuing success , of the Society .
8 We 'll go no more a-screwing So late into the night , Though the heart is still as loving And the moon is still as bright .
9 Interwar balcony-access flats are the most reviled and degraded of all local-authority housing types , so it 's odd to find the Butlins versions still functioning so well for their temporary inhabitants .
10 Shiona turned to meet his eyes , hating the way her heart was still beating so fast .
11 She could n't recall ever feeling so desperately , fiercely angry and unhappy .
12 She was always working so hard — or so she said . ’
13 And it is a bit patronising , John , that bit about the ‘ hearty islanders … earnestly labouring so early in the day . ’
14 While androids are becoming more and more human physically , they are also doing so emotionally .
15 I do not speak of the substance of the matter because so many of us have some doubts about the substance of it and we shall come to that later , but erm it does seem to me that er we had to get rid of erm sections two , two A and three of the Police Act nineteen sixty four as amended and that clearly doing so here and erm er er I I think that this is an improvement as a result on the laws that er present appears on the Statute Book .
16 Myself and my friend rehearsed frantically trying so very carefully not to push the coach off the edge of the stage but the production date was growing ever closer .
17 The pod was now shuddering so violently that Defries 's voice was distorted .
18 During 1860–2 he had found his title and ideas for some of the leading incidents , including the story of a young man feigning death and living with an assumed identity , but was unable to set himself to the writing until the autumn of 1863 , when he determined not to begin publication until he had 5 numbers in hand , since he was now writing so slowly , with care and with difficulty .
19 They would drive away inward investors , make manufacturing investment much more difficult and defer the day when we improve our balance of trade in televisions , cars and all the other things that are now improving so strongly under the Government 's policies .
20 The prahu 's very short timbers — designed to give flexibility — were now moving so violently against each other that the water pouring between them required the hand-pumps being manned round the clock .
21 Though doing so shortly after the Gulf war and in a recession might have seemed risky , Airtours had its reasons .
22 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
23 Fearnley was by now talking so quietly that I had to lean close to hear him .
24 But , as Mr Nearn points out , it is a driver 's car , and motoring journalists have heaped it with praise for many years , one even going so far as to say that your smile ‘ will need surgically removing ’ after driving one .
25 ‘ For now , it seems , the prince has revealed to Sir Thomas the depth of his regard for you — even going so far as to say that if in due course he may not marry yourself , he will remain unwed .
26 ( One Judge even going so far as to say , ‘ In ten years ' time , 1989 may well be seen as the year when Vauxhall redefined the sports coupé . ’ )
27 Again the immigration people questioned him about his occupation , even going so far as to check the word antiquarian in an English-Spanish dictionary .
28 He held a copy of Milton 's works in his hands , but whenever he quoted from the poet he held the book aloft , like the Gospel at High Mass , sometimes going so far as to wave it to and fro behind his head as he chanted out the words .
29 Over a hasty but adequate meal , the situation and plans were discussed , Black Agnes approving heartily , almost gleefully , indeed going so far as to add an improvement of her own .
30 Beneath and down-wind of the ash cloud there is a steady rain of fine ash particles , sometimes falling so thickly that a dark curtain appears to be hanging beneath the cloud , while in and around it electrical storms rage , with lightning flickering frequently , so that the whole effect is much more dramatic than even the most ominous of thunderclouds .
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