Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] and the " in BNC.

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1 The band was excellent , the food most appetising and the sum of £50 was raised for the Octagon Club .
2 Without changing its movements , it now becomes the ‘ giant paw ’ of a huge cat — in this new role it is suddenly threatening and the animal responds appropriately with a defensive reaction .
3 Appropriately for a drama in which the grossest crimes , though intended , turn out to be apparent rather than real , her chaffing in riddles of Bertram and the King in the final scene is a marvellous mix of the pointedly cutting and the teasingly playful .
4 The yard were adamant in insisting on the increased price without having any legal justification for so doing and the owners realised that the yard would not accept anything other than an unqualified agreement to the increase .
5 The afternoon sun on my back was gently warming and the light that it cast on Chola 's and Mina 's faces was as clear and richly brown as amber .
6 It is difficult to feed hay from a rick so covered because the shape is constantly changing and the top can not be kept convex .
7 The distribution of accidents in constantly changing and the list of sites for concern is updated on a regular basis .
8 Productivity is also affected by the extent to which the employers can maintain or increase the intensity of labour — the proportion of the working day during which the worker is literally working and the speed of that work .
9 Removal squads descended on the Lakes , threatening and verbally abusing and the bolt has now been hacksawed through , leaving a useless stump .
10 it 's in thingy , I did n't want I was just checking and the
11 It combines , therefore , what have come to be known as structure and conjoncture , the permanent and the ephemeral , the slow moving and the fast . ’
12 One of his best friends was already playing and the two were big Kiss and Black Sabbath fans , ‘ so it seemed like the natural thing to do . ’
13 Finally cycling and the Tour de France resumes in the Alps this morning .
14 It was that moment when the owl was still calling and the day birds began to sing .
15 At that time , school rolls were still rising and the challenge was to ensure enough accommodation .
16 ‘ What we have here , ’ she says , ‘ is an oldtime country school , and I 'm still teaching and the kids are still learning . ’
17 The drunk was still raving and the elderly couple still seemed transfixed , but the punks were focused on her , their expressions fearful , and Lee saw that she , while gone , had made a noise , stopped things , alarmed them .
18 so consequently they 're still fighting and the chap still has n't got a penny
19 And all the time the tension around the ground is still mounting and the smouldering excitement of the spectators finally bursts into flames as the commentators announce that ‘ the ground is on fire. ! ’
20 with the vein 's with the valves in everywhere , yes , it 's because they 've got to somehow or other , you 've got to somehow or other get the blood back up to the heart again , it 's not under pressure is it any more , cos it 's lost a lot of its pressure and the way it gets back to the heart of course that is it 's lying alongside the bones and the arteries and as you 're walking around , okay , the arteries are still having the pressure working , the muscles are still working and the vein lies next to it and the blood is able to be milked up , it 's milked back up to a non return valve , that shuts off and it ca n't drop back down any further and the next bit does the next bit up , okay , and then that shuts off and eventually it gets back to the heart and the capillaries what will that look like when it 's bleeding ?
21 ‘ Common sense ’ is the folklore of philosophy , and is always halfway between folklore properly speaking and the philosophy , science and economics of the specialists .
22 the collapse of geographical and social hierarchies as the community becomes more outward looking and the squirearchy is replaced by a class-based structure polarized around housing segregation .
23 A culture of sharing knowledge and experiences is also evolving and the Support Force has helped that development .
24 The evening shadows were now lengthening and the support crew had thoughts of a few points in their heads .
25 Manufacture is now proceeding and the equipment will be ready for installation on Reactor 2 in May 1993 .
26 Examination of chromosomes , particularly if they are banded and carry silver grains , is optically demanding and the best possible microscope should be obtained .
27 After Horatia 's funeral he had gone to London , spending a year in a frenzy of gambling , drinking , fast riding and the seduction of women .
28 If the clutch is not fully disengaging and the tail rotor is still turning , this will produce a sideways push to the tail .
29 What I wanted ideally was a situation in which I had two groups of birds , each trained on and showing the disgust response to the bitter bead , but one group then remembering and the other forgetting the association .
30 They 're they you they 're all worked you know sandpapered and polished that 's rough , what they call rough work and then you gradually go onto the maybe staining and the just quite a lot of oak and there 's quite a lot of mahogany and walnut .
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