Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Two papers by Fletcher et al ( p 622 ) and Hole et al ( p 609 ) in this week 's journal constitute the latest chapter in the slowly unfolding chronicle on hypertension and cancer .
2 The idea of a United Front was slowly gaining favour on the Left , despite the intransigence of the Communists .
3 The village of North Ferriby is situated on gently rising ground on the north bank of the river Humber , about seven miles west of the city of Hull .
4 ‘ Already we have quarry traffic using Tunstall village and that is a long running problem on a narrow road .
5 I am very , very relieved and obviously taking advice on the next steps because naturally I am not going to leave it at this . ’
6 We used to play marbles in the alley-way together , and sail paper boats down the gutter when it rained , and we 'd spent all our hot summers together playing rounders on the field over the railway line and helping with the donkey-rides on the beach .
7 Surely they 'd do better making love on board Grace than on a few yards of Mackenzie tartan ?
8 In fact , the way I had instinctively started to limp turned out to be the best : a short step on the left heel with the leg stiff and a long springing step on the right .
9 Last year , at the age of 54 , the great fell-runner Joss Naylor ran from Pooley Bridge to Wasdale , only setting foot on tarmac as he crossed Kirkstone Pass and Dunmail Raise — a total distance of 47 miles with 16,200ft of ascent .
10 The Sussex campus , with its tastefully harmonized buildings in the modernist-Palladian style , arranged in elegant perspective at the foot of the South Downs a few miles outside Brighton , was much admired by architects , but had a somewhat disorienting effect on the young people who came to study there .
11 In the view of the College , relying on professional judgement is entirely appropriate , whereby differences of assessment arrived at by individuals can be compared and the assessors requested to justify their proposals ; thus enabling agreement on an optimum solution .
12 Shale extraction could make the United States self-sufficient in oil for the foreseeable future , thus eliminating dependence on foreign supplies , which has increasingly worried the Pentagon .
13 Arthur Rank was no longer applying pressure on him to make bigger , more ambitious pictures , and Balcon was very much his own man .
14 While you 're away sipping sangria on a sun-soaked beach , some intruder may be rifling your unguarded home .
15 There were no houses in sight ; the sea on one side and steeply rising ground on the other had so far discouraged developers .
16 We are already doing work on that with the French .
17 RICHARD ROGERS Ca n't Stop Loving You ( BCM ) ‘ Written and produced by Marshall Jefferson ’ says the sticker on the US version , explaining why this is already doing business on import .
18 Transparencies can be revealed as the lesson progresses , thus focusing attention on the teaching point and also creating a sense of anticipation of what will be revealed next , ie helps to keep up interest .
19 A statement released by Hassan on Jan. 22 , 1989 , describing as " provocative " a series of legal and administrative measures taken by Spain with regard to the status of the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla , was followed by the postponement of the imminent visit of the Spanish Foreign Minister , Francisco Fernandez Ordonez , to Morocco , the trip finally taking place on Feb. 3 .
20 The Perm was soon taking pity on Charlie , as people tended to , and Charlie was asking him about the pressures of fame as if it were something that concerned him from day to day .
21 As a result , most passengers arriving for international trains are expected to do so by public transport rather than by car , thus avoiding congestion on local roads .
22 The horizontal resolution along one of the PAL lines is equivalent to about 700 dots , each a separately luminescing spot on the cathode ray screen .
23 Ask the person whether they already eat enough fibre and encourage them to eat more if necessary — and this does n't mean just putting bran on cereal at breakfast .
24 Wigan and St Helens are already putting pressure on Leeds to lift a piece of silverware but Garry believes the results will come .
25 It now seems likely that any such support will come direct from the SSI , already monitoring progress on implementation , ( News , 29 April ) .
26 Luther would wait until dark , when the rest of the family had vacated the kitchen , then would take everything from the larder , spreading it on the table , spilling it on the floor , and generally inflicting mayhem on a hitherto spotless environment .
27 He is after nothing less than a full-blown and not always approving commentary on Irish attitudes .
28 The Celtic Church , founded in the sixth century by St Columba with the aid of Irish-trained monks , followed Rome in always celebrating Easter on a Sunday , unlike the eastern Churches ; but owing to its remoteness the Celtic Church experienced difficulty in being kept fully informed of doctrinal and other changes decided on in Rome .
29 But they are still surviving and they were surviving and still paying rent on land before nineteen forty nine .
30 But while Whitehall changed from organizing public expenditure on an annual basis to a five-year rolling programme , the House of Commons was still authorizing expenditure on the old twelve-month pattern .
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