Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] the same " in BNC.

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1 This will be so if the same work is done by fewer employees or by no employees at all .
2 The Business as now carried on does not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any other person ( or would do so if the same were valid ) .
3 Charles II returned to the old system of three separate kingdoms , united only because the same man was head of each of them .
4 The bread wards off hunger for as long as the same weight of ordinary bread despite its lower starch value .
5 The approaching waves still have colinear polarization but , in this case , their amplitudes are opposite rather than the same .
6 His morale was uplifted a few minutes later when the same Minister returned with a gaggle of additional members evidently called from the floor of the House .
7 A person ‘ is self to itself now ’ and is always conscious of his present thoughts , feelings , and actions ; similarly , he ‘ will be the same self as far as the same consciousness can extend to actions past or to come ’ .
8 WITH the object and intent of affording to the Vendor a full and sufficient indemnity but not further or otherwise the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor that he the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will at all times hereafter duly observe and perform the covenants contained or referred to in the Conveyance so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and remain to be observed and performed and are capable of being enforced and will indemnity and keep indemnified the Vendor and his successors in title from and against all actions costs claims and demands in respect of any breach non-observance or non-performance thereof so far as aforesaid
9 In so far as sensations are ‘ things excited in our minds ’ , they seem to have the character of particulars ; but in so far as the same sensation can be excited by any one of numerous objects , they ( the sensations ) seem to have the character of universals .
10 1.3 If the goods and/or the work the subject of this order are to be used in carrying out or otherwise in connection with another contract specified overleaf this order shall be subject to the contract conditions of such specified contract in so far as the same are applicable and do not conflict with these purchase conditions .
11 In cases where a covenant must be imposed to observe existing restrictions , on behalf of a buyer always insert in the covenant such words as " so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and are subsisting and capable of being enforced " , because for one reason or another the odds are ten to one that nobody can legally enforce them ; but the case might be otherwise if you impose the restrictions afresh .
12 The main benefit from the customer 's point of view is that he is likely to have his needs met in a more appropriate way than if the market is not segmented ie where the same product range and price are offered regardless of geographical , demographic and buyer-behaviour considerations .
13 A survey by Jordans has found that the number of companies created in the first half of this year was 3.1% lower than the same period last year .
14 Whatever happens , even if the same coalition led by the Christian Democrats and Socialists gets back into power , things can never be the same again .
15 It is extremely difficult for any practitioner to administer a test in exactly the same way on two occasions , even if the same child is being tested .
16 Anyone who has the experience of employing workers will confirm the clear work incentive when less money is deducted at source from employees ' pay , even if the same overall sums are collected by Stamp Duty , VAT , and the like , for this later allows personal discretion as to what to do with one 's own money ; and such choice is important to people at every level of industrial life .
17 Dozing defendants can take comfort from that as well because the same rule applies to filing acknowledgement of service .
18 Although ten years older than Jane Pargeter , he exuded health and energy , as well as the same self-confidence .
19 Even when the same national language is spoken by patient and nurse , both can experience problems in aural perception when their attention has to be directed to listening because of accent or dialect .
20 And even when the same lender is involved , different types of business may carry different rates ( it is common , for example , for rates of charge to be higher on HP for older cars than on HP for new ones ) .
21 All of the findings we report are based on the assumption that this questionnaire can accurately and reproducibly detect a change in anxiety , even when the same questionnaire is administered twice with just one hour between each assessment .
22 Even though the same might be argued for painting , the technical obstacles to be overcome for painting are very much less than for sculpture .
23 A more questionable exception appeared in Spackman v. Foster to the effect that receipt of goods by way of pledge did not amount to conversion even though the same receipt by way of purchase would have .
24 And even though the same scientists were involved in that experimentation , Rohmer could not resist a kind of immature pride in the fact that his unit had more than the others .
25 I tentatively infer from the paper cited above that the strategy which worked best for Hearsay-II — the W algorithm — explored the search space in a manner very similar to HARPY 's beam search , particularly as the same finite-state grammar was used in both cases .
26 THE majority of football supporters who read your newspaper will have been very disappointed with your leading article ‘ Deadly Potential of the Terraces ’ ( Echo February 29 ) , particularly as the same issue carried a well-reasoned piece by one of your own journalists on why fans are campaigning to retain terracing .
27 Boo lives in a town where the people are very religious , but narrow minded and intolerant of those who do not conform to their very rigid code of social behaviour , and where everybody knows everyone else because the same families have lived there for generations .
28 Wickham asked casually whether the same person often supplied Wainfleet with stories and was told he did .
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