Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where a court , or another authority or person makes an order for detention of a Member as being of unsound mind , or where a doctor recommends such detention , or where a Member is so detained , that court , authority , person , doctor or the head of the hospital , etc. where the Member is detained , must notify the Speaker .
2 This form of extension exists for the benefit of restaurants , hotels etc. where the sale of liquor accompanies the service of refreshment , and music and dancing is provided .
3 Further right where the crag is at its highest , a clean wall at around half height dominates the cliff .
4 Apparently , she typed a message into the Belial Base neural net , right where the viruses that Legion 's agent planted there would find it and transmit it back here . ’
5 ‘ There was a bar in town , it was down at the end of the main street , right where the buildings ended and the scrub began .
6 This is of course very useful diagnostically where the teacher does not know the class .
7 ‘ Go and put it somewhere where the rats ca n't get it , ’ said Grimma .
8 Having been off all winter , we are now on the long road back to full fitness , and my main worry , having recently started trotting , is finding somewhere where the going is n't too hard .
9 Maybe they were in some room somewhere where the husband and the child were not on either of their minds .
10 Try to find somewhere where the interviewee can feel reasonably relaxed and you yourself can feel confident .
11 If you need a long term home we will help you to find somewhere where the costs can be met by the Department .
12 Most grammar schools were single sex ; mixed schools were usually provided only where the sparseness of the population made it impracticable to provide separate schools for boys and girls .
13 It will , of course , seldom happen that after the buyer has had some benefit , the contract is avoided by section 7 because usually by the time the goods are delivered to the buyer risk will have passed to him ; section 7 applies only where the goods perish before the risk passes to the buyer .
14 This condition , like the one in section 14(2) , is implied only where the goods are sold in the course of a business .
15 Except for the need to make the prescribed disclosure ( see page 41 above ) , the retained marketing rules that non-UK offices have to comply with despite the foreign business carve-out apply only where the firm is carrying on investment business in the UK .
16 Perhaps Herpomyces is able to penetrate the host 's exoskeleton only where the exoskeleton is thin , as it is around the base of the sensory hairs that cover the cockroach antennae .
17 But the narrow stetches were used only where the heaviness of the land made them inescapably necessary ; for their disadvantages were many .
18 Permission would be given only where the procedure was ‘ judged to be of exceptional importance in meeting the essential needs of man or animals ’ .
19 Thus , execution in rem can have been available only where the person sued was actually in possession of the object .
20 This applies only where the person dealing with the company does not know that the action is beyond the powers of the company 's directors under its constitution ( s. 35A(1) — ( 3 ) CA ) .
21 Only where the person using the foul language makes it plain that he has no intention of resorting to violence , and there is no bystander who is likely to be provoked by what the defendant is doing , is no offence committed under this section .
22 All of these defences apply only where the person is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred , and all of the participants have the defence that they had no reason to suspect that the material was threatening , abusive or insulting .
23 The infinitives of such verbs are found only where the person of their support is specified ( We want it to snow ) , but not when the support is left undefined , as in certain exclamations , and not in the function of subject ( * To snow is pleasant ) .
24 The Crown contended that on a true construction of s 72 , an election under s 74(4) was available only where the capital distribution was small , and that since , in this case , the capital distribution was not small , the inspector 's apportionment calculation in accordance with s 35 was therefore correct .
25 Only where the multinationals ' power has been harnessed have substantial gains in income-elastic goods been achieved .
26 Treaty , applies only where the legislation of a member state treats individuals differently on account of their different nationality .
27 Since the identity of one 's sexual partner may be assumed to be of fundamental significance , it is surely unjustified to give effect to this only where the mistake concerns whether the man is the woman 's husband ?
28 It can apply only where the expression of the legislative intention is genuinely ambiguous or obscure or where a literal or prima facie construction leads to a manifest absurdity and where the difficulty can be resolved by a clear statement directed to the matter in issue .
29 Only where the foreigner brought in technology that could not otherwise be obtained or where the firm exported the great bulk of its output were these constraints relaxed .
30 It was clear not only where the differences lay , but also that those differing parts were somehow complementary , intended to be fitted together .
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