Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] for example " in BNC.

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1 I mean obviously if for example did n't ring up and say I want to sign your name your name tomorrow , I 'd ring her up to see whether she 'd lost her mind or something .
2 So if for example a dishonest car dealer said bargain , thirty thousand miles only , when really it had done ninety thousand miles then that would be a criminal offence under the Trade Descriptions Act .
3 Every analysis is also to some extent an interpretation ; so if for example you choose to summarise a narrative , you will , by selection and emphasis , be interpreting what the most important incidents and characters are .
4 So if for example , a patient was brought into Banbury , they could use the scanners there , and that , the images on their scanner , you could actually see ?
5 I actually wanted to that I did n't really want to go as far as for example deciding that the chair what they are voting would be within the resources available to the .
6 The fact/belief divide is powerfully at work today as for example the debate on the original National Curriculum proposals with regard to the teaching of history and geography has amply attested .
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