Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right where we want you , ’ a quiet voice completed her sentence from behind her .
2 ‘ Aye , right where you sit , ’ Maggie replied quick as a flash , which earned a laugh from Susan .
3 Turn right where you see a waymark arrow and bear left crossing the stile around 150yds further on .
4 Right where it meets which is there .
5 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
6 And right where she did n't expect it in the black universe was another dark space , solid with hidden meanings , difficult to see , alien to her comprehension .
7 It probably matters little where we choose that point as long as it is not at infinity .
8 But it matters little where he plays ; he is a prolific try scorer from any position , as a career total of 247 touchdowns testifies .
9 Are all the rest of us to give up and sit on our hands rather than serve humbly where we deserve ? ’
10 I knew that Ben was a good enough footballer to play effectively where we wanted him . ’
11 A bookshop should be a familiar place , somewhere where one goes for the sheer love of books , for the smell and feel of them , for the companionship of others who share the joy of touching , holding , reading and learning .
12 A total of 40.7% of respondents chose their last holiday on the basis that they had done the same before and enjoyed it ; 19.7% went somewhere where they had always wanted to go ; and 17.9% went on a word-of-mouth recommendation .
13 You do seem to enjoy watching nude bathers , so do n't you think it would be much better for everyone involved if you went somewhere where they did n't mind being watched ? ’
14 He 's run out of plaster and he 's got an urgent call somewhere where he thinks he 'll need it .
15 The problem is that the man seems to have been shot indoors , somewhere where he felt sufficiently at home to take his jacket and tie off … ’
16 To come somewhere like this would have been better , somewhere where I had to be in at a certain time , where I could n't have certain people come in .
17 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
18 While one may whizz straight through the enemy , and another might stall in front of your Mob , the other one is bound to end up somewhere where you want him .
19 I do n't know about Augusta being my territory but it 's nice to come somewhere where you have won before , obviously , and live off the memories …
20 Home is somewhere where you have space to spread your wings .
21 ‘ Some day , ’ Nicholas said , ‘ You 'll find yourself somewhere where someone does understand Flemish , and they 'll cut your ears off , and then all your red hair , wherever you grow it .
22 However , as was pointed out by the Court of Appeal in Coward v Comex Houlder Diving Ltd ( 1988 ) ( reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-322 ) the conventional percentage does not necessarily apply where the wife had been earning a considerable sum herself prior to her husband 's death or presumably where she had a substantial private income : see also Davies v Hawes ( 1990 ) reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-323 .
23 References to our name will be appropriate only where we have provided a report for publication in a public document or circular , or ( as provided for in the engagement letter ) have otherwise consented to the ‘ form and context ’ in which our name is to appear .
24 Since such rules can be optionally applied to the same basic sentence structures , they provide a linguistic basis for the notion of * In this , as in subsequent chapters , we number examples and extracts only where we need to refer to them in the text .
25 They looked rather as if they had just raided an old clothes shop , few of the items of their clothing being a match , and for the most part , fitting only where they touched .
26 Only where industries used coal directly , like the forges of Sheffield , were towns yet blackened and the air poisoned ; and only where they produced ‘ waste ’ in great quantities , such as in coal-mining , glassworks and chemicals , was the landscape beginning to acquire that sterile covering of ‘ tips ’ , that were destined to go on piling up until they produced a mountain landscape in miniature ; until the vast range of coal-tips around the old town of Wigan , for example , could be sardonically nicknamed the Wigan Alps and be illustrated in later years under that name on picture postcards .
27 The extent to which Louis VI and Louis VII had consolidated royal powers was masked from their contemporaries by their policy of pushing hard only where they knew that resistance was weak .
28 A dwelling for the living or a tomb for one 's ancestors should be sited only where it harmonizes completely with the forces of nature .
29 It arose from a groundswell of opinion in the EC that the internal market would be a success only where it had the support of both ‘ sides ’ of industry and if it was designed to benefit every citizen of the Community .
30 It is unexportable , because prescription , the inherent authority of that which has always been so , is a writ which runs only where it has always been so and amongst those amongst whom it has always been so .
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