Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] with other " in BNC.

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1 Being forcibly confined with other blind girls in a school which thought it was a public school soon turned me into a staunchly outspoken socialist .
2 In the woman with bone metastases the pain became ‘ more and more difficult to relieve with opioids ’ , not surprisingly since such pain is better treated with other analgesics .
3 Of course , there is no reason why you should not use a single essential oil if you are intrigued by its aroma ( rose , sandalwood and ylang-ylang are popular used singly ) , though aromatherapists have always felt they work better blended with other essences .
4 This was not really convenient as space was tied-up on the dressing floors , whilst below ground it had to be handled so that it was not inadvertently intermixed with other material .
5 And whether they die prematurely compared with other occupational activities ?
6 Referring back to that list of priorities led me to address this thorny issue once more , only this time less from the point of view of a recording being merely compared with other recordings ( or some mean recorded standard ) , than the level of execution which the scores themselves would appear to invite .
7 One consequence of public anxiety is an increasing demand for scientists with the specific skills of chemists , geoscientists , biologists etc , who are aware of the contribution that their own discipline can make to understanding the environment and are sufficiently acquainted with other disciplines to enable them to work in multi-disciplinary teams .
8 And it was n't you see , a matter of being intimately connected with other people 's dirty clothes — that 's something I was thankful for , I must admit .
9 Although the Russian industry was expanding it was still very backwards compared with other nations .
10 Hypertext systems are generally self-contained and can not be easily integrated with other programs and data .
11 the process is slow compared with other processes ;
12 The non-profit making organisation which provides his carers is already stretched with other diasabled people like Michael struggling to pay .
13 McKechnie Jess 's strategy was to offer meat products with the quality associated with a local butcher but with the affordability of mass produced foods and the innovation and imagination normally associated with other food sectors .
14 But because IQ is , in fact , so broadly correlated with other cognitive activities , in school and at work , it is virtually impossible to design objective measures of performance not correlated with tested intelligence , and hence subject to the same charges of ineffectuality and bias .
15 The constants G and — in fluid flow become coefficients of viscosity , usually written with other symbols but left unaltered here to stress the analogy between shear modulus G and shear viscosity and between bulk modulus where x lies along the axis of the tube and r is in the radial direction .
16 The Forest law moreover clashed with other legal systems .
17 These societies and many others support completely Marx 's central point : that the conceptualization of productive activity is totally integrated with other social relations in pre-capitalist societies and that the sharp boundary we draw between labour and other activities is absent .
18 Flu vaccine ‘ take-up ’ in Britain is low compared with other EC countries .
19 Now I would say to sa say that that is almost a bit like the story of the boy crying that he did n't have many holidays because he did n't go to school and that because Harrogate 's er unemployment is so low or has been historically so low compared with other areas , a relatively small increase in the number of unemployment has an enormous increase as compared with what it 's been in the past and so the same number of people living in Harrogate who lose their jobs has an impact on the unemployment figures as perceived locally greater than a similar number of people losing their jobs in Leeds or Selby or somewhere else , and so I think to some extent this the rhetoric has outrun the reality on that point .
20 The condition is usually associated with other problems , such as albinism .
21 Both missed with other attempts before Stephens made amends in the second half , landing another three penalties and kicking three conversions .
22 The first verbal report of Major Stirling on his recent operations shows that they have been imperfectly connected with other operations of Eighth Army .
23 The Prime Minister , John Major , was reported to have made it clear that the Commonwealth was still a pillar of British foreign policy , together with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and the European Communities , whereas his predecessor , Margaret Thatcher , had repeatedly clashed with other Commonwealth leaders .
24 Parents make statements of praise about their children ( e.g. ‘ well done ’ ) infrequently compared with other kinds of comment that are critical .
25 This conclusion may be profitably shared with other members of the health-care team involved in rehabilitation .
26 His correspondence was as voluminous as his knowledge , which was willingly shared with other scholars .
27 There are three common grades of olive oil : extra virgin , which is thick and green , and cold-pressed with an acidity of less than 1% ; virgin , which is green and cold-pressed but with up to 4% acidity , and fine olive oil , for general cooking , which is heat treated during the second pressing to extract the maximum oil from the fruit and often blended with other olive oils .
28 One finding of our LFS analysis was that temporary workers often overlapped with other forms of " non-standard " worker — namely self-employed and part-time workers [ see Diagram 1 in Chapter 2 ] .
29 Nylon is crease-resistant and is often mixed with other fibres to give them this quality plus extra strength .
30 Attention should be drawn to the three Annual Reports of the Hazardous Waste Inspectorate ( now merged with other branches of the DoE to form Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution ) .
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