Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] with that " in BNC.

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1 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
2 Hare ( 1973 ) has suggested ( see also p. 111 ) that this is because fluvial processes tend to be dominated by extreme events rather than balance relationships , and that the geomorphic time-scale is very long compared with that appropriate for climatic processes , although glaciology is in a very different situation .
3 I 've grown up liking it the way it is , with the English art constantly juxtaposed with that from other places .
4 The concept of power for Foucault is intimately connected with that of ‘ knowledge ’ , which in turn is not a matter of objective truth separable from power relations .
5 For example , in evaluating the yield of a particular hybrid plant , they had to be certain that all the factors which , taken collectively , and variably , affect growth , such as climatic conditions , fertility of the soil , moisture , disease resistance , and so on , were adequately controlled so that the yield of the hybrid could be stringently compared with that of the non-hybrid .
6 My right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has already dealt with that issue .
7 Nor are the damns always so faint , though they are of course almost always uttered with that tendentious hindsight which devalues protest unless it proclaims class warfare and anticipates the emergence by the twentieth century of political parties created to prosecute it .
8 You ca n't even spell her name , I think she 's going to be deeply insulted with that , to spell her name wrong
9 Theirs is a marginally endearing noise , yet still tainted with that dishevelled ( dis ) grace which suggests that there is n't a fulls et of cogs a'spinning in the Consummate Professionalism Department .
10 Hastings Castle is forever connected with that most famous date in history , 1066 .
11 Personally I have always agreed with that , but I can not now simply substitute my judgment for that of the then Home Secretary , Sir David Maxwell Fyfe .
12 Once armed with that freedom they might surprise Mr Cash by also seeking membership of the community .
13 This results in a common word like " History " being assigned a weight which is very low compared with that assigned to a rare word such as " swords " .
14 However , it would be far better to follow it up with a more specific question , ‘ Have you ever worked with that age group before ? ’
15 Today their name is still associated with that latter castle , which the family owns , and also with the Borromean islands , Isola Bella and Isola Madre , that stand in the lake off Stresa .
16 Holy River is usually identified with that still called Helga Å , which enters the sea near Kristianstad in southern Sweden , and then lay roughly on the eastern border of the Danish province of Skåne .
17 The family of Bishop Eadnoth of Dorchester , who had been both monk and abbot of Ramsey , and whose rich brother gave land to the monastery , was possibly allied with that of Æthelstan Half-King , the powerful ealdorman of East Anglia in the mid-tenth century , whose sons were great patrons of Ramsey .
18 Chung ran a campaign — widely compared with that of Ross Perot in the US elections — which portrayed him as a political " outsider " with direct economic experience gleaned as the head of a giant commercial concern .
19 It was an optical illusion , obviously , probably connected with that deep rushing noise coming from behind her .
20 The picture would , of course , be ‘ a cinch for exploitation ’ for it would fit in nicely with ‘ the usual fashion shows which many of the de luxe houses give in conjunction with the department stores in their cities ’ ; in fact , Variety concluded , it ‘ was probably made with that in mind ’ .
21 This emphasis upon a common style is partly connected with that sense of national identity and community which the war provoked , but it was also intimately related to Eliot 's preoccupation with what he termed " The Social Function of Poetry " in both developing the language , and enriching the sensibility , of the culture .
22 Er , costing for parallel , repeat jobs , that 's been dealt with by Simon erm , Client contact record I think that 's now been assimilated into new procedures yes we have just talked about that er sub- contracting you have probably dealt with that , although we have n't discussed it yes er , list of procedure owners I have prepared and reissued it , I do n't how wide they have circulated it , it was meant to go into the Quality Manual , and the Quality Manual is not being re-circulated until March time .
23 It may indicate that the design is based on one traditionally associated with that name , but the dealer may simply be trying to make the rug seem more interesting by calling it something other than just " Chinese " .
24 He was probably closeted with that sullen turd , Angus .
25 The preliminary conclusion , then , that emerges from our discussion so far is this : that the concept of a topic of discourse is analytically linked with that of identity and that there can be no question of " defining " this link in terms of the conditions of re-identification of such topics , whether they be meanings or non-meanings , for the simple reason that without presupposing the identity of the topic in a given case , the question of its " reidentification " can not even be intelligibly raised .
26 Armstrong 's other concern is that budgets should be tightly tied to the information strategy , and his department is not far advanced with that .
27 However , there is in addition a standard objection which holds that no such lessons can be drawn at all , at least in any directly logical way , since any project of deriving ethical content from premisses of evolutionary theory commits the ‘ naturalistic fallacy ’ , an error which is today often equated with that of trying to derive ought from is .
28 Other than the camera technique , which is a subject quite apart from this book on kites , we are now left with that vital question of setting the field of view .
29 She had her own term for it , and as long as it was purely associated with that term , she never connected it .
30 His appearance attracted the earl 's attention , and Jean Oxford 's linguistic ability is sharply contrasted with that of Jean 's rival for the hand of Blonde , Oxford 's daughter .
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