Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] a number " in BNC.

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1 I an authorised officer in nineteen sixty eight , so it 'd have been twenty years and er from there I became er an instructor in nineteen eighty four er having successfully completed a number of national run courses on firearms , firearms tactics at the national school of firearms er which are in the metropolitan district and er Lancashire and West Yorkshire .
2 The logic of such views naturally contained a number of contradictions .
3 As well as their universally recognised ability as performers , this Belfast couple have together written a number of most entertaining shows , two of which , ‘ In Praise of Ulster ’ and ‘ Belfast Town ’ were first presented here in the Harp Folk Club .
4 We have already seen a number of examples of this .
5 The commission has already made a number of improvements .
6 I had already made a number of smaller works with Lascaux Aquacryl on watercolour pads and clocks , so I was aware of the colour range and paint handling .
7 Archaeologists from Newcastle University have already made a number of test excavations at the site of the extension and found nothing of historical value .
8 We have already helped a number of these groups , but we need your help urgently .
9 Jotan had already countermanded a number of orders given with regard to the arming of the troopers who were to ride on his portion of the reconnaissance .
10 The crumbling of the Ottoman Empire had already produced a number of new states in the Balkans .
11 The Mujahideen had lately mounted a number of successful attacks inside Iran ( though not , they insist , from their bases in Iraq ) .
12 City council policy and resources chairwoman Dawn Booth said officers had already inspected a number of premises to see if they would be suitable as a temporary home for the wholesale markets now housed on the Stanley industrial estate , Old Swan .
13 Among the other girls tested for the part of Amy were 23-year-old Judy Geeson , who had already played a number of cock-teasing roles , and Joie Gould , an English secretary who was Peckinpah 's girlfriend at the time .
14 Charles Augustus Busby of the Busby and Wilds partnership that had already provided a number of distinguished buildings in Brighton laid out a plan on the west side for a new , almost self-contained , estate with its own church and markets , to be called Brunswick Square .
15 That debate has already generated a number of very sophisticated position-statements , each of which contains a different interplay of the plan and the market .
16 It is recorded , for example , that in spite of his duties as kadi and muderris , he yet managed to copy every day two leaves from the books of the ancients and Mecdi adds in regard to this point that Molla Husrev thus left a number of books in his own hand at his death .
17 Mr Erlund said the firm had already initiated a number of action plans and streamlining measures but ‘ these can only alleviate some of the mentioned negative external conditions ’ .
18 She has already established a number of landmarks in political history and psephology : the first woman Prime Minister in any major western industrial state ; the first leader since Lord Liverpool in the 1820s to win three elections in a row , and Prime Minister for the longest uninterrupted spell in the twentieth century .
19 The ICAO secretariat soon established a number of bureaux to cover various aspects of civil aviation such as financial , legal , commercial and other matters , but one severely practical part of the secretariat was the Air Navigation Bureau .
20 The first few weeks always included a number of experiences designed to undo at least some of the damage done to sensible language learning by our schools and universities .
21 According to Brian Sewell , art critic of the Evening Standard , it was well known that the Royal Collection had once contained a number of pornographic drawings by Leonardo .
22 Pachomius 's monastery quickly generated a number of offshoots .
23 True , during his tenure Mr Conable quickly identified a number of themes — notably the environment and the role of women — that are now becoming central to development policy .
24 If we consider an ordinary tree , by the time it is a few years old it has usually acquired a number of little branches , coming out more or less horizontally from the main stem or trunk .
25 To be fair , the C E C have not tried to say that everything in the garden is rosy , they 've also highlighted a number of problem areas that still exist .
26 I have also given a number of scientific and popular talks .
27 Derry 's rivals in the Croke Park clash — Cork — have been allocated 14,000 tickets and in keeping with All-Ireland tradition , every other county north and south of the border has also received a number of tickets .
28 In addition , Dave tells me that the centre has also treated a number of carbon monoxide poisonings and gas gangrene injuries — fortunately , both from causes other than diving .
29 Our first Report , submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales on 30 September 1988 , made recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study for English for the primary stages , and also contained a number of chapters relevant to the whole of the compulsory school age range .
30 The mill was later taken over by the cloth producers , Woolwark and Bird , a concern that also occupied a number of other mills .
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