Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Potted shrimps alone remain as the sole representative of these products to retain something of its original nature , although a few smoked haddock pastes are beginning to appear on London restaurant menus .
2 Inside , a slippery walk soon leads to a stream flowing across the line of approach : this , followed to the left , vanishes under a wall of rock , but a few paces upstream bring as a reward a vision of beauty .
3 On now to Barry Humphries ' autobiography , More Please ( Penguin ) ; Carol ( second wife of Walter ) Matthau 's memoirs Among the Porcupines ( Orion ) ; Ranulph Fiennes ' search for the city of Ubar ( the Koranic version of Sodom and Gomorrah ) , Atlantis of the Sands ( Penguin ) : A N Wilson 's Jesus ( Flamingo ) , coming at the same time as Barbara Thiering 's Jesus the Man ( Corgi ) , as they also did in hardcover ; and Miranda Seymour 's much-praised life of Ottoline Morrell ( Sceptre ) , £25 in hardcover and so welcome as a £7 or £8 paperback .
4 The subsequent discovery of the endorphins and encephalins , hormones in the brain that act like morphine and so act as a natural analgesic , and their implication in the action of acupuncture , provided further theoretical explanation for its efficacy .
5 In so doing , they extend the frontiers of experience and so act as an ‘ … antidote to complacency ’ .
6 A dog — or better still — a gaggle of geese not only act as a deterrent to a prowler , but also provide an excellent ‘ alarm ’ .
7 To possess someone in the mind is to be saved from a brutal repudiation in reality , and instead to love the ethereal , which can neither disappoint nor satisfy , but only act as a goad .
8 Moreover , the higher taxes that are an inevitable counterpart of more government services not only act as a disincentive to saving and investment , but also " overload " the economy and crowd out opportunities for economic growth at the same time as the opening up of export markets and the defence of the home market is made ever more difficult by the inevitable inflation .
9 Markets necessarily act as a powerful incentive to producers to operate as efficiently as possible in order to survive .
10 Therefore its ‘ laws ’ of regulation and equilibrium only emerge as the result of a myriad of private actions , the results of which can not be foreseen .
11 In so tar as a class dominates social relations it dominates the production of ideology .
12 It could , therefore , only operate as a ‘ movement of middle-class protest ’ .
13 In the same field lies 1 Geminorum , not much use as a comparison for Eta because it is too faint ( 4.1 ) .
14 The overall picture , however , was by no means so clearcut as the data so far considered might tend to suggest .
15 Many extremely interesting publications on art currently only exist as a one-off draft .
16 If he 's a skilled boardroom apparatchik , they say he 's not much cop as a coach .
17 How can the Minister justify the attempt to sell off into the private sector , just a matter of weeks before a general election , what most Londoners rightly regard as the proper seat of London 's government ?
18 Thus it could be argued that children only psychologize as a last resort when they do not have ready access to information about plausible causal mechanisms .
19 He was also a prime mover in the bid to get better pay for West Indian cricketers , putting in much work as the first secretary of the West Indian Players ' Association .
20 This was greeted with shock and outrage by an Italian public which , although it goes to church in ever smaller numbers , would like to see the outward signs of the Church 's existence march on unchanged , and recoils at the prospect of a sacred building housing something so profane as a fashion house , for example .
21 CBP100 may correspond to ICR and thereby function as a repressor of the cAMP response in UF9 cells .
22 On the other hand , linguists no longer cling as a matter of faith to the notion of linguistic equality .
23 And while Monika has been told unofficially that she is no longer welcome as a teacher of religious studies at St Thomas More School , Bedford , Father O' Neill continues to enjoy the protection of the church as a practising priest .
24 The localised states thus act as an electron reservoir , keeping the effective density of mobile electrons constant over ranges of V that have widths proportional to the number of states in the mobility gap .
25 Yet if the nationalised industries largely disappear as a ’ problem ’ there remain the local authorities and the public services .
26 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
27 But you ca n't I only get it on line one because line two I just use as an a as an incoming call line , or if I 'm .
28 Thus NEP as a monetary phenomenon took time to seep slowly through the various levels of society , just as pistoles and écus had competed with the franc in the French provinces after that other great revolution .
29 Correspondingly , high-level achievements in research all too easily serve as a sufficient criterion for academic excellence .
30 Statistically these deaths largely occur as a result of the inhalation of vomit and alcoholic poisoning , and it therefore seems somewhat bizarre for the police to be in charge of those suffering in such a way .
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