Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] we [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you had only given us the Law : Dayenu ! …
2 Daily contact with infants in the crèche ( next to the sixth-form coffee bar ) , the elderly , the frail , the physically and mentally disabled , employed people who come to us for literacy support or computing courses , active retired people attending daytime A-level classes , members of the community using our library , students on the threshold of professional careers in music playing with non-too-gifted amateurs engaged in recreation , academically-gifted students about to enter university engaged in social work with our special-needs students , has perhaps given us an unusually clear insight into the different ways people need and want education and the different circumstances in which it enriches their lives .
3 This was made explicit by Louis Agassiz , a Swiss who had in 1840 recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe and thus given us the idea of ice ages .
4 You 've just made us a cup of tea have you ?
5 He said he 's at the home and everything 's going alright and he 's saying he 's already sent us the , the , the invitation , but I have no invitation
6 Tories , long , short and tall , queued with the stoicism that had once made us the envy of the world .
7 Ev well I do n't know about this year mind but every Christmas I worked there she never paid us double time for anything over Christmas , she was always bought us a present .
8 ‘ I know you 've always told us the truth — but what are you talking about ? ’ asked Rose .
9 It 's also given us the new agreement on working time which our own government have tried to work against consistently for the last two years , they now say they 'll challenge it in Europe 's Court of Justice , well what they seem to forget is it 's got ta come back to Parliament for a second reading yet and they 've created such ill feeling in the Parliament and among the Commission , that it 's likely to be strengthened , we 're gon na end up with a strengthened agreement on working time by the autumn of this year .
10 He has also left us a remarkable four-voiced canonic Kyrie .
11 For the purposes of the review , and to allow us to really put the B-1R through its paces , Bluebridge Music have additionally loaned us a brand new example of the HE ( horn loaded ) series 4x10 SVT speaker cab .
12 Announcing this programme , the then Minister of Fuel and Power , Geoffrey Lloyd , said dramatically , ‘ Our nuclear pioneers have now given us a second chance — to lead another industrial revolution in the second half of the twentieth century . '
13 name ; is a very respectable cook , so we make occasional trips to the supermarket and to the open market , and then eat at home in the evening , although we can also go out to a restaurant for a meal if we want , as someone has now kindly lent us a car .
14 Want to know do n't they and they have n't even got us a biscuit .
15 It is unusual to have an autumn statement in the middle of a debate on the Queen 's Speech , but it has at least given us an opportunity to test the veracity of the promises that have been made .
16 Up against us were a good pair who had previously given us a drubbing .
17 If you have n't yet given us a call on the News Line , please do — remember , we 're interested in your stories .
18 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
19 The Japanese produce bland , artless copies of European products , totally without character : they have never given us a car like a Citroen .
20 Well he 's never given us a pot mean devil .
21 Why have they never given us the understanding of how to contact this inner voice ?
22 You 've certainly set us a hard act to follow !
23 And how he can afford match fees or anything , cos he 's never paid us a penny , I du n no , but
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