Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] he [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is this element of Charlie that has perhaps made him popular with other ( albeit less twisted ) musicians .
2 He had a charismatic quality about him that had long made him one of Europe 's most eligible bachelors .
3 A hugely impressive return of eight goals from just 11 games is a true reflection of his amazing turnaround and it has already made him one of the buys of the season , even at that sizeable price tag .
4 Or had she just seen him one day , walking around the suburb where he had been born , and said to him , in that sharp voice she used for all commands : ‘ Marry Me ! ’
5 Well I could have quite easily hit him last night .
6 He had not been so happy with the farmland which went with the Fish ; his town talents ( he was from Cockermouth , about ten miles away ) had given him neither the patience nor the experience for such niggling country work and — as he was a man who took advice badly — his neighbours had soon left him alone to rot alone .
7 ‘ All his relations have already left him alone .
8 Occhetto 's position on the Gulf war had meanwhile lost him some support among the social democratic wing of the party , led by Giorgio Napolitano .
9 She had deliberately given him that impression simply because she had n't wanted to look lonely and pathetic in his eyes .
10 This , the first word Mungo had ever heard him utter , other than the mysterious ‘ lymenner ’ , came as rather a shock , as though a pillar-box had suddenly spoken .
11 In the treaties with the States-General of 1654 and 1667 the English government succeeded in having its claims accepted by its rival ; and so sensible a man as Sir William Temple felt that nothing had ever given him greater pleasure than forcing the Dutch to give way once more on this point in the peace negotiations of 1674 .
12 ‘ Not that I 've ever seen him drunk , ma'am . ’
13 She had hardly seen him all day .
14 Carson had been before , but the place had always made him uneasy ; it was so Victorian in its assumptions .
15 Wordsworth 's changing of sides has always laid him open to this sort of comment ; later generations of poets regarded him as a moral coward or a fallen idol , attitudes best summed up in the first stanza of Robert Browning 's poem The Lost Leader :
16 I 've always found him accessible himself .
17 Other students had always found him eccentric but now they found his behaviour very odd — a lot of muttering to himself , and a total incapacity for the practical things , and sudden disappearances into silences .
18 She wondered that she had ever found him amusing .
19 ‘ We have always demanded he highest standards from our catering staff , ’ said Paulton 's catering manager Gary Weldon-Jones .
20 Astrid , who had once found him such fun , was fed up with his tinder temper .
21 the first time she had ever asked him that question .
22 He had been sitting at a table in the corner reading an Italian newspaper and Sandison had hardly paid him any attention .
23 The solicitor and member of the IT staff had both given him incorrect advice .
24 They 'd have probably given him ninety days if he had the right advice . ’
25 The circumstances in which Anselm used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae in these nine letters from 1101 to 1106 show that he knew that this phrase embodied the papal policy with which Hugh of Lyons had probably made him familiar , and which he was in duty bound to carry out in the matter of homage and investiture .
26 Some also called him disrespectful to the Queen during a recent speech .
27 Stomach and bowel problems have also laid him low but he shows no sign of stopping .
28 The move to SNH has also taken him closer to his roots in Yorkshire and one of the big loves of his life — cricket .
29 Someone has probably thrown him some rubbish which he 's swallowed . ’
30 Tranchant , who had been co-owner with Tapie of an electronics firm , Nippon Audio Video System , alleged that Tapie had fraudulantly kept him ignorant of a payment of F13,000,000 which had been made to him by the Japanese company Toshiba when Toshiba bought the company in 1985 .
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