Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] for " in BNC.

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1 Mr North , whose conviction in the Iran-Contra scandal was dismissed by a federal appeals court , is widely expected to run for the Senate as a Republican from Virginia .
2 There are three reasons for this : first , women dress differently from ‘ 20 men all wearing pinstripe suits ’ , making them more memorable ; second , they offload their emotions over redundancy much more quickly , making them better prepared to look for a new position ; and third , because of the so-called ‘ glass ceiling ’ , those women who do make it to the top are ‘ slightly better ’ than their male competitors .
3 Will the Minister ensure that when the Housing Executive engages in new build it will incorporate in every scheme a large number of two-bedroomed bungalows and a number of houses especially built to cater for the needs of the disabled ?
4 Others , such as Eric Bremner , a 28-year-old physics teacher , had only decided to apply for water shares on the spur of the moment .
5 Moreover , these larger organisations are better equipped to arrange for training of apprentices .
6 Mr Marshall 's fair used to come for the feast weekend and , in 1914 , he again contributed to the effort by offering to play sacred music on his fairground organ after the Sunday church services , with a collection for the hospital funds .
7 Remember , we 've all got to fight for the future now . ’
8 In 1970 , Labour identification was not necessarily tied to support for the party 's ‘ traditional ’ concerns , or at least the concerns of the left-wing : only 39 per cent of Labour identifiers were in favour of nationalising more industries ; only 40 per cent did not believe that trade unions had too much power ; and although 60 per cent were in favour of spending more on social services this represented a marked decline from the 89 per cent recorded in 1964 ( Crewe et al . ,
9 Thirty five adult patients with precirrhotic primary sclerosing cholangitis were randomly allocated to receive for at least one year with low dose ( 4.1 mg/kg/day ) cyclosporin or placebo in a double blind trial .
10 ‘ Nigel Benn is number two , but he 's lined up for a world title shot with Italian Mauro Galvano so Henry will be all set to fight for the vacant European title .
11 There had already been one heated exchange between herself and the school managers , when Outram had pointedly refused to apologize for introducing controversial subjects .
12 The perception that a cruel savage cycle of fertility underlay all the trappings of modem life only served to emphasize for Eliot that there was a higher life , though one infinitely difficult to attain .
13 The laggards were constantly encouraged to improve for their own good .
14 Life became difficult in the erstwhile happy home and the unfortunate girl was only allowed to go for walks in the company of her parents .
15 As a result , Balder was only allowed to return for a certain period of time , only to disappear and return again .
16 Virtually all the accounts we have suggest that the public schools , in spite of Arnold 's efforts , continued to exist in something not far removed from a Hobbesian state of nature — or rather , just far enough removed to allow for the development of tribal ritual .
17 However , in practice , if a Type I1 system were operating , the effect would be that Health Authorities would find very large parts of their budgets being compulsorily removed to pay for a much higher consumption of acute ( mainly elective surgery ) health care , with a consequential diminution of money available for other services .
18 In practice , if a pure Type II system were operating , the effect would be that health authorities would find very large parts of their budgets being compulsorily removed to pay for a much higher consumption of acute ( mainly elective surgery ) health care , with a consequential diminution of money available for other services , especially the so-called priority services .
19 The most common type of instrumental argument relies , as a reason for recognizing the validity of consent , on the facts that the agent has the best information to judge whether it is best to create the right or not and that he is sufficiently motivated to act for the best .
20 All over Britain and Europe , ethnic minorities have suddenly begun to fear for their lives as extreme right-wing parties experience a resurgence of power and support .
21 The scenario at this stage was that Friern would be allowed to die with dignity à la Powick , once the catchment district services were sufficiently strengthened to provide for all new patients .
22 Those note teaching are only required to pay for each day actually attended .
23 These students , like Fang himself , were part of the technocratic elite referred to earlier , but their better prospects and opportunities apparently failed to compensate for other sources of discontent .
24 Whilst , over the years , there has been a considerable amount of work on costing such flows , a more important question from the point of view of planning is the fact that the home ( exporting ) authority is compulsorily required to pay for such flows whilst having no control over them ( Brazier , 1986 & 1987 ; Mullen , 1986 ) .
25 The shelf display is supplemented by an indexing system flexibly organized to allow for a variety of approaches , to lead the enquirer to the right " shelf address " and to remedy any deficiencies in the system for particular types of user .
26 Data analysis techniques were largely developed to cater for the implementation of database systems , although that does not mean that they can not be applied to non-database situations .
27 He could not lecture for the Archbishop of Canterbury because he was already committed to lecture for the Archbishop of York .
28 Sartre 's stress on the role of the subject also finds approval because many of those no longer prepared to argue for a general theory of history as the progress of a single narrative of class-struggle , have begun to argue instead for a return of its correlative , the subject , almost as if it was the next best thing in the absence of history itself .
29 Customers are no longer prepared to wait for several months for their chosen pattern .
30 Expert groups in many Western countries have already decided to lobby for changes towards a healthier lifestyle without waiting for results .
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