Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] all " in BNC.

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1 Steve Pyle has not only done us all a favour ; he has done you one , Mr Laing .
2 IBM Corp president Jack Kuehler says that we 've all got it all wrong with regard to the company 's $1,000m cut in 1993 research and development budget ( UX No 416 ) : he says that the cut is off the gross budget , which is $9,000m , not the net budget , which is $6,000m , the difference being that the net figure takes account of software development costs written off as incurred ; most people reckon that a cut of $1,000 is a cut of $1,000m and is a very big sum to lose in one year .
3 Feeling a twinge of guilt because she 'd inadvertently brought it all up when all they wanted was for it to remain buried , and pushing aside for the moment the whys and wherefores of her grandfather 's involvement , Ellie apologised quietly , ‘ I 'm sorry .
4 Right , well you 'd better put them all
5 You 've , you 've just checked it all .
6 I 've just moved it all away
7 Erm , the , I first tell people what to do because they all know their roles , and when you go in in the morning , and you 're just basically going round checking that they 've already done it all .
8 It 's typical , they just accepted it all , so it did n't really achieve a great deal , but Mike told me quite a lot of things that I do n't really have any idea , or I did n't know about ,
9 I 've just cleaned them all ready for this afternoon .
10 ‘ I 'd already told you all you needed to know ! ’
11 two the double rooms got it , he 's just had it all done ai n't he ?
12 No , no , no , it has n't cos I 've just used it all for the erm
13 ‘ I 've just figured it all out . ’
14 So we 'd have that but she 's already cut them all up into twelfths so how many twelfths how many twelfths would we get each ?
15 We 've just taken them all out to wash them , that 's all !
16 What I 've just rubbed it all out .
17 As you will recall , I have persistently warned you all about taking promotion for granted and I am sure if you read back over my programme notes you will find I have not once alluded to it .
18 It was Sylvie 's unconventionality that had always fascinated them all .
19 She had hardly seen him all day .
20 ‘ I would not say he has always told us all the truth , ’ said Cadfael mildly , ‘ if that 's a matter for his conscience .
21 Maternal care is used by many more groups : spiders , crabs , prawns , wasps , frogs , birds , mammals — no one has ever counted them all .
22 They forget that the magic of television means that we 've probably heard it all before , so we really do make an effort to go for fresh material .
23 I think I have , I 've probably seen them all like .
24 Brenda I 've probably done it all wrong .
25 Oh , I think I think you 've probably got it all .
26 Ana has probably told me all she is going to tell me . ’
27 They had dropped out of the human chain of ancestors and descendants that had formerly bound them all together .
28 Been a good boy , you 've nearly eaten it all .
29 With only a few left to pick up Jo ( 4.1 ) said , ‘ We 've nearly put them all away . ’
30 Erm probably drunk them all .
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