Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The previous Bill had passed through Committee and was well advanced ‘ when international affairs so occupied the time of this House that it was impossible to carry the Measure to the Statute Book ’ .
2 gone to their GP 's , and often have been given some sort of medicine for their depression but have n't had the counselling side of things dealt with and they 've just been given re-prescriptions , not necessarily seen every time for a re-prescription .
3 Now what you 're going to receive this afternoon , is what is pretentiously called a time management system .
4 Jones referred to ‘ cranks — long-haired men and short-haired women ’ who formed the ( British ) Socialist Party , and explained that the title of NSP better represented the time and circumstances than SDI' because ‘ social democrat was associated with Germany and Germanic thought , and during the present war the action of most of the social democrats of Germany had made the term stink in the nostrils of most people ’ ( SE 1 June 18 ) .
5 For some years , therefore , he has only read The Times .
6 If you try and arrange a meeting with a colleague or even a group of colleagues and he or they have already booked the time slot you want , you get to know about it before it 's too late .
7 ‘ Louise , dear , I 've just noticed the time .
8 Likewise , if you wish your youngster to persist with a task after he has learned to do it , you should arrange things so that he is no longer rewarded every time he gets it right ( 'continuous reinforcement' is applicable , as we saw , only when the individual is acquiring a skill ) but only on the odd occasion ( a schedule called ‘ intermittent reinforcement ’ ) .
9 Between transatlantic flights and coping with paternity , he has somehow found the time to make another series of The Thing is … for Channel Four .
10 She and Mungo had already passed the time of day with him .
11 In spite of all the obvious agonising , has Neil ever experienced a time when he was totally happy with his sound , and could quote a recorded example of this ?
12 Have you ever taken the time to ask parents what makes a good school ?
13 Linda had always passed the time of day with her when Doris had been able to get out and about , but now the old woman was con fined to her house with arthritis .
14 Erm , I 'm still scared every time I pull away .
15 We have also omitted the time of unpaid informal carers and their lost employment opportunities .
16 This is also called a time spread , a horizontal spread , an intermonth spread , an interdelivery spread or a calendar spread .
17 Similarly the glass column — later titled the Time Rotor in a Terry Nation script — was originally conceived as a navigational aid of very advanced design .
18 The Dark Ages are often considered a time of retrogression , but it was not until the period drew to its close that the cattle of Britain began to deteriorate quite seriously .
19 ‘ We have now reached the time when you become lost in the mountains until they forget you . ’
20 As a star opera director whose career is becoming increasingly orientated towards the theatre , it is understandable that he has n't often found the time to stray from the great metropolises to mount a production .
21 The Ellan Vannin Diaries have obligingly altered the time of their deliveries to a later hour in response to one or two complaints of sleep disturbance .
22 First , they were a rational answer to the unplanned metropolis of the inter-war period ; we had long since passed the time of asking whether the State should build houses , now it was a question of determining precisely where the nation should locate its dwelling stock .
23 You 've then got the time to look at your report , decide whether it 's suitable , perhaps have another chat with your adviser , and then at that stage you 're ready to go ahead .
24 Relationship between trade and between members of state , strictly competition and I said I 'd be the one erm relative case , just to demonstrate the course , Lord , erm I 've usefully used the time this morning to do a , a brief aden am moire of the point , the relevant photographs and the , just in case , if I can just hand that out ena enable me to , to speed through the admission , my Lord if I can just er take the through it and apart , my Lord paragraph five is triggered by an agreement which effects trade between members of states , er in windsurfing the court considered an argument that the causes and the contested agreement which had been struck down by the commission did not forward then article eighty five because they did not have that trade between members of states , the court replied , that argument must be rejected , article eighty five does not require that each and individual cause in the agreement should be capable of affecting into community trade , community law or competition applies to agreements between undertakings which may effect member of states , only if the agreement as a whole is capable of effecting trade is it necessary to exam which other clauses of the agreement which havers there object , let's just say or , or effect the restriction of competition .
25 The committee says that UK Nirex , the nuclear waste disposal company , has consistently underestimated the time it will take to prepare and build a repository .
26 They had barely exchanged the time of day before she was back with a trolley laden with plates of charcuterie and cheese , a basket of bread and a bowl of salad .
27 Marry , so there have been diverse good plots devised and wise counsels cast already about reformation of that realm , but they say it is the fatal destiny of that land that no purposes whatsoever are meant for her good will prosper or take good effect , which whether it proceed from the very genius of the soil , or the influence of the stars , or that Almighty God hath not yet appointed the time of her reformation , or that He reserveth her in this unquiet state still , for some secret scourge which shall by her come unto England , it is hard to be known but yet much to be feared .
28 Spain 's dominant classes were therefore permitted the time and opportunity for marshalling their powerful opposition to the very measures that were intended to weaken them .
29 Betty Anderson , has never forgotten the time she spent at Westonbirt .
30 She had never seen the time machine looking so ordinary .
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