Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pron] first " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday the ten-minute Bill introduced by the hon. Member for Ogmore ( Mr. Powell ) was overwhelmingly given its First Reading with a majority of 200 , with all-party support .
2 After operating in the Czech and Slovak republics for the past 18 months , Leeds accounting software supplier Coda Ltd has not only won its first contract in Hungary , but also decided to open an office in Budapest , which began trading on April 1 .
3 The Swansea and Neath Society was founded in December 1822 but made no appeal through a public meeting until January 1826 ; the Manchester Society , although becoming active at the beginning of 1824 , issued no report to the public until March 1827 and had only had its first public meeting on 22 March 1826 .
4 ‘ The bottom line , though , is that we have only recorded our first win and now we must face the tough and noisy atmosphere of Lisbon 's Stadium of Light when we play Portugal in our next match . ’
5 well I 'd only paid me first month you see twenty two thirty
6 Julie , 23 , pictured , who lives in Mossley Hill but is originally from Sunderland , has just completed her first year at Alsop Wilkinson after law studies at Birmingham Polytechnic and Chester Law School .
7 The hotel has just completed its first year of operation , which it celebrated with a month-long daily cake-cutting ceremony .
8 This superb musical partnership , which began less than a year ago , is now firmly established — indeed Kieran and Frances have just completed their first album which is due for release in the New Year .
9 Martyn , 20 , has just completed his first full season of Sheffield Shield cricket for Western Australia .
10 Richards , who has just completed his first year as the Welsh Rugby Union development officer for Mid-Wales , wants to see the representative side going from strength to strength .
11 We have just received our first order from the Ukraine as a result of a contact made at the Expozoo exhibition in Paris .
12 I had just received my first commission from the world 's greatest rock read and I had less than 24 hours to deliver the goods .
13 was delighted to tell you that we have already received our first nomination for this position in 1992. has been nominated and seconded and , as she is not a current elected member of the Executive Committee , it has been decided to invite her to the remaining Executive meetings as an observer so that she gets used to how the Society functions .
14 He had just caught his first glimpse of Thorsbury Manor .
15 He had already done his first translation of one of Hitler 's speeches into English .
16 Animal lovers and greenies everywhere will be pleased to know that the Animal Defenders Shop catalogue has just made its first appearance .
17 I have just made my first skirt — a straight style in tuck stitch — and I found that my dressmaking skills came into their own when making up and finishing the skirt .
18 Traditionally , as a refuge for his invalid son , who had just suffered his first attack of epilepsy .
19 She has just written her first screenplay , an adaptation of Jane Austen 's Sense And Sensibility .
20 As the mum of a 12-year-old son , we are both learning as we go along how to use the Amstrad 5086 , my son concentrating more or less on games and school related programs , myself for the odd game , but mainly word-processing ( I have just written my first book ) , genealogy and cheating on addressing the Christmas cards .
21 Paul Newman had just secured his first major film role , with Pier Angeli in The Silver Chalice ( which was so bad that when it was shown on television in the Sixties , he took out newspaper advertisements apologising to viewers for having to watch it ) .
22 I have just bought my first lightweight and have noticed some funny groaning noises from the floor area .
23 The Medical Manpower Standing Advisory Committee was set up in July 1991 to fulfil this role and has just produced its first report ( p ? ? ? ) .
24 She has just sold her first novel to Doubleday , and she is at work on another .
25 She was aware that her mother had already had her first drink , and was on to her second , if not third glass of wine , if the bottle was anything to go by .
26 It has already had its first prime-time telly airing ( Brookside — Tracy Corkhill and her form master ) and like incest , pre-Cleveland , it is being talked of as a hidden social scandal .
27 And Oliver 's brother Jordan , three , has already had his first spin in a go-kart .
28 Indeed , Summerchild has already had his first meeting with Serafin , and been accepted as Secretary of the operation .
29 She did go away a lot but normally told somebody first so it was odd .
30 Sainsbury , which has concentrated on the south , has just opened its first store in the north-east and is moving into Wales and Scotland .
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