Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] to make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing how the crowd was on Tony 's side and treating him as the hero only seemed to make Lee more determined .
2 ‘ Brothers ! ’ cried Bobby , but that only seemed to make matters worse .
3 Masturbation only seemed to make things worse .
4 He realized the delicacy of the balance , and so hated to make team changes .
5 He spelled out the dangers without being too alarmist , but it only served to make Matthew more determined to become a sailor .
6 Folly stood up and resumed her pacing , practising in her head all the things she would say to Luke Hunter when he finally deigned to make contact .
7 As a result , TECs generally had to make cuts in the number of providers of employment training at a time when there was a growing need for such investment .
8 At this time George was in educational work and with no parish responsibilities I somehow volunteered to make tea at a keep-fit class which the local W.I. wanted to start .
9 ‘ I always tried to make Mojo more organised , ’ she says , ‘ but all that ended up happening was that I kept his diary and sent letters off for him .
10 Rodrigo and Motamid rapidly began to make inroads into the border territory separating the Caliphates of Saragossa and Lerida .
11 With a long shivery sigh , knowing she had no choice , not if she ever wanted to make things right , she climbed wearily to her feet .
12 He switched this ability to concentrate to his own recovery and eventually began to make progress .
13 The exercise also helped to make crystal clear that the sympathies of the city officials lay more with the tannery than with their electorate .
14 The DUC also decided to make uranium mining an issue in the forthcoming by-election .
15 He also liked to make people do press-ups , but with their rifles stretched across the tops of their hands ; he would then stand on the rifles so that his entire weight was pressing down on to their fists .
16 Roger Blyth , the chairman of Swansea 's selectors , sympathised with Llanelli 's predicament , but said his club also had to make contingency arrangements earlier in the season .
17 I also wanted to make places to put all my food , and all my tools and guns .
18 Examples from the Orloff and Orléans-Panthièvre services are included and one of the best pieces from the latter is a soup tureen by Edmé-Pierre Balzac , made in Paris in 1757–58 and now estimated to make FFr3–5m ( £300–500,000 , $530–880,000 ) .
19 Both had become convinced that papal jurisdiction had been wrongful , and now wished to make use of the supremacy to strengthen the monarchy .
20 Her sister Sarah , for so long the Spencer girl in the spotlight , now had to make way for Diana .
21 I belonged to them in the sense that when I was interested in something I tried to understand it as far as possible and , of course , even tried to make use of it .
22 Una Kyne , the executive services manager , put on a memorable meal and even had to make arrangements for 15 chauffeur driven cars to be given access .
23 And on the bowling side he admitted : ‘ Peter Such had a dream debut in helpful conditions in the first innings , but we then struggled to make inroads and our bowlers did not look penetrative in their second innings .
24 A couple of blobs landed on the canvas as a result and I then had to make use of this fact deliberately in order to get some sort of overall pattern .
25 No , the problem which really preoccupied him , which he kept returning to from one direction after another , and one in which he never seemed to make headway , was how to use the information he had to bring the conflict between Copt and Moslem to an end .
26 There was never any danger of that , because I 'm terrified of needles and I never wanted to make drugs my life 's work .
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