Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Nilsson , firmly entrenched in her seventies , leaves her native Sweden only rarely nowadays and she never much cared for recording studios .
32 Shadshit 's voice suddenly rose to rehearsal pitch and he walked out of the toilet and into the dressing room .
33 A series of bad falls , a year and a half on the sidelines , and a promising career suddenly headed for oblivion .
34 A hot food trader in the market square , who only moved to North Ormesby two days ago , said : ‘ People told me not to move here .
35 In order to overcome the problems of a mechanism becoming inadvertently disassembled by component changes , the development of an automated associative procedure was considered .
36 We have become so habituated to market relations that it can seem merely banal to observe that types of work which make a loss will , within market production , be reduced or discontinued , while types which make a profit will be expanded .
37 The bear apparently fled in terror , yelling and howling , but contemporary accounts tell a different story , where the bear in fact knocked Lambert down and he was so fat he could not get up !
38 With hindsight , of course , it is now possible to question the glamorizing of drug-taking in such films as Easy Rider , Psych-Out and The Trip and others ; the in-built health warnings were seldom noticed and there was a certain drugs bandwagon rolling , anyway , largely created in the pop industry where drug usage was not only referred to , even poetically eulogized in song , but physically demonstrated by some of its more tragic exponents like Brian Jones , Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin , to name but three in a long line of fallen idols and heroes .
39 It is a formless landscape , usually thickly blanketed with smoke .
40 One line shows what has happened to personal wealth divided by personal income : if wealth merely rose in line with incomes ( which would be represented by a flat wealth line on the graph ) , the theory would suggest that it would not have any independent influence on savings .
41 The room suddenly hummed with tension .
42 The thunderous applause after Be My Downfall , a cover of Free 's A Little Bit Of Love and the much shouted for Move Away Jimmy Blue was well deserved .
43 ‘ They have a leprechaun hunt ! ’ she suddenly exclaimed in delight .
44 Among them was a young officer who was riding a mule ( which stubbornly stopped from time to time ) and roaring with laughter .
45 ‘ The helicopter I 'd been watching suddenly veered to port and its rotor blades did n't look the same .
46 He suddenly exploded into anger , jaw thrust out pugnaciously , dark eyes gleaming .
47 Vologsky suddenly exploded into action .
48 One winter night , as the mutt twitched away in front of the fire , his mind somewhere between Basingstoke and the twilight zone , a 100-watt light bulb in the standard lamp above his head suddenly exploded without warning !
49 He suddenly muttered in exasperation and took her arm , making short work of the steps .
50 He only came to life when she began unbuttoning his trousers , for as she touched his fly buttons , so he grabbed at his belt .
51 ( The General Next to God , Collins ) Many of his far-reaching proposals only came to fruition during the social reforms after the Second World War .
52 Part of the scandal only came to light when an eagle-eyed bank clerk spotted changes made to the bank destination information on an authorised cheque from Craven Grain .
53 The crimes only came to light in 1990 when one of Oldfield 's victims , then an adult , was himself charged with indecency to children .
54 This new evidence was held by the defence and only came to light during the trial .
55 Parts of the contents of the manual only came to light as a result of criminal trials following an incident at Orgreave during the strike , at which some of the techniques were implemented for the first time .
56 The spraying of the pesticide , Galecron , took place in 1976 , but only came to light during a recent Swiss TV programme .
57 ( Details only came to light in 1972 , when London Transport received a compulsory purchase order , in connection with a further rebuilding of the bridge . )
58 The offences only came to light because of an attempt to inflate profits at Alexander Howden , which was discovered by the American company Alexander and Alexander after it bought the company .
59 It only came to light today . ’
60 News of the car smuggling scandal only came to light when Col. Luis Catalino González Rojas , commander of the fourth infantry division , defied orders and leaked evidence of the affair to the press .
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