Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 Record-breaking , highly modified Healey at Bonneville , 1954
2 Heaven 17 appropriated the jargon and paraphernalia of industry , presented themselves as a well-heeled corporation , offering ‘ Music Of Quality and Distinction ’ which suavely played pop at its own game .
3 At seven a.m. the following morning , contemplating newspaper headlines which screamed ‘ The Filth and the Fury ’ , and with the clamour of shareholders ringing in his ears , Leslie Hill personally telephoned Branson at home with a simple request , ‘ Can we talk ? ’
4 While there , he naturally spent time at the dyeworks ; and twice , he had made the longer journey to Kouklia .
5 Virtually nothing is known of Freeman 's early years ; he shrouded his early life in great mystery and even the details of his secondary schooling — which apparently took place at a boarding-school in north London — remained unknown to his closest relatives .
6 Like Powdermaker ( 1967 ) , who recorded fieldnotes in Mississippi only when she was away from her field data , I found I only took notes at the time if I was willing to risk begin interrogated about what I was going to do with the information I was recording .
7 She referred to her own family : parents , brother and sisters who all spoke English at home .
8 Four weeks of near stasis in voters ' attitudes apparently gave way at the last moment to a near avalanche .
9 Indeed there are things which suggest that not only did vase-painting at Athens in this time move pari passu with free painting and sculpture but that the same person may sometimes have worked in more than one of the three crafts .
10 All it achieves is to give them an air of generosity , and so put Abraham at an even greater disadvantage in the rounds to come .
11 Learned professional societies , on the whole , only gave instruction at the request of the users .
12 So you only spoke Welsh at home ?
13 I only flicked water at you .
14 So did efforts at civil service reform .
15 So did events at Nanterre , a concrete campus of a university on the outskirts of Paris .
16 Among them will be three Warrington men who all had transplants at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester .
17 Worst of all , some sadist of a landscape designer had slapped down Dancer 's stick-and-ball field right next to her house , so she not only had fairies at the bottom of her garden , but also a microcosm of Rutshire Polo Club .
18 In the late nineteenth century , the pastime of rambling through open countryside had been restricted to those who not only had time at their disposal but also the financial capability to travel into rural areas .
19 Consolation came when Ernie Coleman finally joined Arsenal at the end of the season , for a fee of £6,000 .
20 The Court of Appeal reserved judgment on the challenge by auctioneers Messenger May Baverstock of Guildford to a High Court ruling that they had been negligent in selling for £840 two oil paintings that soon fetched £88,000 at Sotheby 's as works of George Stubbs .
21 A factory is sustained by the energy of its own functioning , the throb and whine of machinery , the clash of metal , the unceasing motion of the assembly lines , the ebb and flow of workers changing shifts , the hiss of airbrakes and the growl of diesel engines from wagons delivering raw materials at one gate , taking away finished goods at the other .
22 And he no longer took things at face value .
23 This generally took place at Easter preceded by confession , often in public , in which the social duty of making restitution for sin was stressed ; it might be succeeded by a parish party which played out at its own level the eternal being of love celebrated in the Mass .
24 The caucus thus gave continuity at the top throughout the development of the closure plan .
25 The first of the 10 special East German Reichsbahn trains finally left Prague at 5.30 local time , almost 24 hours late , reflecting the difficulties encountered by the East Germans in clearing the tracks .
26 Then it just shot bullets at a tin can .
27 Labour just wanted power at any price and they 'll say anything to get it .
28 Perhaps inevitably , he eventually contracted typhus at Kherson , in the Crimea , in January 1790 and was dead within a few days .
29 Sheila Wennington , 36 , of Tweed Place , Darlington , yesterday admitted theft at Darlington Magistrates ' Court .
30 By virtue of her fluent Hebrew she once led prayers at a Passover feast of wealthy Moroccan Jews — the only one present who could read them in the absence of a rabbi .
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