Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As to their method of achieving their object , short of World War III beginning , I think they will adopt the well tried tactics of preparing the country from within rather than resort to open aggression , although ‘ frontier incidents ’ will doubtless continue .
2 The issue of jurisdiction is raised most acutely where FDI is by means of acquisition .
3 Historically , engineering has had to distance itself from the sound of metal-bashing , and agriculture has become fiercely scientific and managerial ; while the obvious skill element in medicine and veterinary work only comes after a thoroughly academic grounding ( though it is sometimes pointed out rather unkindly that surgeons evolved from barbers ) .
4 He threw the flask away and began to rub his hands vigorously together until circulation was restored .
5 We thought the rail trunk haul would be rather less than £168 ’ , added Mr Gisby .
6 But I believe that for every £100 million spent on sewers , the present real cost to this nation of tax payers would be rather less than £50 million .
7 After that Creggan often talked to her , sometimes in a barest whisper that only she could hear , and other times more powerfully so that others could share her dream and inner peacefulness .
8 There was a big red bell on the outside wall of the office , presumably so that humans could hear the telephone ring when the quarry was noisy .
9 Such large programmes can be carried out most effectively only where standards are agreed , and it is recommended that development work should proceed with some input from similar institutions , so that we are all working along similar lines .
10 Dr Roy Brown estimates that 12,000 hectares of moorland in the North York Moors National Park is not grazed intensively enough because farmers are reducing sheep flocks .
11 Some basses are a little better than others , but the truth is that by turning up the line level you can make it sound like anything you want .
12 Professional footballers fared little better than cricketers and were less likely to be able to pursue their occupation for as long .
13 Twenty years ago , to almost universal applause , he defied the Kremlin ; ten years later he was an honoured guest , staying at Buckingham Palace ; today , he is seen as a Stalinist dinosaur who deserves little better than assassination .
14 Æthelred can be known little better than Cnut or most other early medieval kings .
15 The observers that took part in the raid do not in any way represent the residents of this estate and are widely regarded here as being little better than police stooges .
16 As I said at the beginning , conditions were a little better and bream were rolling and giving line bites .
17 My knowledge of French was rather better than Benjamin knew .
18 Alkalinity , though tolerated rather better than acidity , increases the toxicity of ammonia and reduces the availability to fish of essential mineral elements such as iron and copper ( in the case of iron a deficiency could produce anaemia ) .
19 Arnold Schwarzenegger and Alan Sugar show rather better than Prince Charles , Ben Elton or Mick Jagger .
20 He seemed calmer now , and smiled widely so that Christie noticed how white his teeth were .
21 Erm right so because trade in er trade in agricultural goods has fallen , one one of the reason for that is because there 's been a lot protectionism on er agricultural goods the other side of that coin is that protectionism in manufactured goods has has fallen okay .
22 This is revealed most tellingly when informants are given a passage that appears incoherent .
23 Some were critical of this orthodoxy and — behind the scenes — nobody more effectively so than Toby Weaver , the most powerful civil servant of his generation in the formulation of educational policies .
24 He frowned rather alarmingly and Jenna felt a burst of nerves coming on ; she moved to get up but found herself being pushed back relentlessly .
25 It was only rarely that women were able to occupy ( outside the home ) any position of authority .
26 It is only rarely that places become the heroes of operas , yet such is the case of Peter Grimes .
27 He could tell it was long-distance , the line was so gravelly and hollow , but he did n't recognise the voice .
28 Leonora , afraid he 'd been about to order her to bed , assented so rapturously that Penry eyed her in amusement as he crossed to the stairs .
29 So rather than pay nine pounds ninety pence it 's claimed that many lorry drivers take a detour through gloucester , then heading back down the A48 through Newhnam .
30 It allowed me to work for up to a minute or so rather than seconds , as with a sable , before reloading .
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