Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The old woman who was the nurse died with only me in the room , ’ said Mrs Bumble .
2 Only me in the office .
3 He was saying he does n't do any so his into the eh .
4 It 's a comfort , you know ’ — she smiled now — ‘ to think that there 's somebody opposite you for the first meal of the day , even if it 's to have a row with . ’
5 God bless you all and I hope to be walking alongside you during the seventy fifth year anniversary efforts .
6 Then he set Mick off into another spasm of laughter when he asked , ‘ Do you think I could get a job alongside you in the factory ? ’
7 You depend only on yourself — no matter who 's with you in training , it 's only you in the ring .
8 Naturally we at the centre are very pleased at having developed the most advanced bionic arm in the world .
9 So we to the hardware shop and we bought some mats and dishes and God knows what !
10 l he vehicles entered the western end of this northern bay , and the coach body was lifted off its bogies and placed on moving carriers , the wheels removed from the bogies , the bogies then also placed on carriers parallel with its body and moved alongside it through the shop at the same pace , that of one vehicle every forty minutes .
11 It 's such a wonderful thing and gives out such heat that I spend quite a lot of my time sitting alongside it in the kitchen .
12 It has a horizontal division across its pupil which effectively gives it four eyes — the two lower halves for seeing underwater , the two upper for doing so in air — and the fish can swim along the surface looking for food above and below it at the same time .
13 Yet only he of the British Medical Journal actually explained what Petrofsky was trying to do — stimulating muscles electrically in their natural walking sequence .
14 Whether one could go further and show that any particular process was specific to a particular memory , in that it represented it and only it within the brain , remained to be seen .
15 So he in the paper then asking farmers , anybody had a tractor and a mower if they cut a certain section of the road .
16 so it throughout the year
17 The ruwang , who is with the men outside the house , chants with the ruwahu , who is inside it with the women .
18 In the village he had noticed an old crumbling building with the word ‘ SCHOOL ’ outside it , and he had seen children a little younger than himself disappear inside it in the mornings then reappear sometime in the afternoon .
19 No there 's just them in the office .
20 hammocked above you on the luggage rack
21 I mean I think we 've only ever met him once since we 've been here , he 's our head of department , its an issue that affects not just you as the bo as the head of department
22 Alice put the telephone down carefully , and looked at herself in the small , oval mirror hanging above it on the wall .
23 The brown teapot with a slightly broken spout sat like a cold little sentinel on the hob , jackdaws rustled above it in the chimney .
24 It is said that Mr Shamir appointed Rehavam Zeevi , who runs a party called Moledat ( Homeland ) , as minister-without-portfolio in his inner cabinet mainly for coalition reasons : he wanted to increase his narrow majority and to avoid being attacked from outside it by the extreme right .
25 The choice is always yours at the Whitbread Hop Farm .
26 And like they on the bus , yeah , cos all , all the little school girls are sitting there with these huge tits out
27 Altogether it is an exceptional object , and I know of nothing else quite like it within the range of binoculars .
28 However , if your crystal is too heavy to wear , you can carry it in your handbag , place it near you during the day , and take it to bed with you at night .
29 It 's probably just as well I have n't been near you for the last week .
30 While you are fishing , keep an eye on what 's happening near you on the river .
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