Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] is the " in BNC.

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1 I would be most grateful if you could cast your eye over the script ; the one area that seems to have gone a little awry is the Language Review but I 'm sure we can sort this out during the shoot .
2 One secret that is kept a little better is the prize list for the ABSW/Glaxo awards for science writing .
3 Much better is the next game
4 So anyway is the Health Service safe in the Tories ' hands ?
5 Better still is the way it sweeps through the quarter-mile in 17.7secs and reaches 100mph in 22.8secs .
6 Better still is the interior , which features pleasantly rounded soft plastic mouldings .
7 But better still is the delightful Gothic cloister which opens on the southern side of the nave , an asylum all the more praiseworthy for opening on the far side on to the street , and with an admirable fig tree standing in one corner to remind you that , northern Gothic or no , you are in the south .
8 At present processes evolve , for the most part , independently — instruments are first developed , the procedures are written , and only later is the inspector brought into the picture .
9 Classic narrative film , said Mulvey , constructs a male viewer by privileging the look of the male protagonist at the woman character(s) : as the camera follows this fictional male gaze so also is the spectator 's look directed at woman as object .
10 With a bank deposit it is relatively easy for the holder to recover the money balance , risk is low and so also is the rate of return .
11 The home-help service , to all intents and purposes , is already a service for the very old ( ibid. : 131 ) , and so also is the meals-on-wheels service ( ibid . ) .
12 That is , continuous dynamic dealing with minor perturbations is automatic and so also is the application of basic rules about safety ; for example , the system or some part of it might be programmed to go through a step-change function such as a shut-down if certain parameters exceed prescribed limits .
13 Just as markets , with their knowledge-gathering characteristics , are inherently superior to centralized planning systems so also is the common law , with its ability to respond to changing circumstances , more likely to maintain order and freedom than a central legislature responding to the concerns of transient majorities .
14 So also is the underhand competitiveness of licensed dealers which makes individuals ' possessions , jobs and their very persons unsafe .
15 The main point , however , is that in successful participant observation not only is the borderline blurred between covert and overt observation ; so also is the borderline blurred between covert and overt recording .
16 It should be noted that an organizational type unrepresented so far is the reputedly widespread model whereby there is informal specialization by client group through weighted caseloads ( which may or may not be similar to the model exemplified by Team C ) ; and that it may not be easy to find many examples of the Team A type .
17 Probably the most successful ‘ biopesticide ’ so far is the family of Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) toxins ( see p44 ) .
18 The cycle of infection outlined so far is the pathway of acute viral infection , as in rabies or influenza , in which rapid replication is followed by the release of new viruses to attack other cells .
19 One aspect we have not mentioned so far is the matter of model trim .
20 The ASB has not yet pronounced on any of the last three issues ( other than in a very preliminary way for securitisation ) , so the only real test so far is the treatment of extraordinary items , which we will take a look at .
21 The mania for forming industry consortia is getting so out of hand that a group of leading manufacturers , software developers and vendors are coming together to make some sense of it and eliminate duplicated effort by creating a single consortium to which everyone will be invited to belong : there is no confirmation of suggestions that the idea was the first initiative from new IBM Corp chief Louis Gerstner , who accedes to the top job today , but we hear that the army of companies is still bogged down arguing about what to call the thing — the best they 've dreamed up so far is the Consortium for Object-oriented Methods and Programming for the Unix Terminal and Enterprise-wide Recasting of Interactive Networked Database Undertakings with Software Transitioning and Revision for Y'all , but they ca n't find a snappy acronym to fit the words .
22 It could be asked what is disappointing about Harlow , and I suppose that the first thing that strikes one is the design fault so far is the road work , the road network is concerned and er , and the inadequacy of the road , for roads for modern traffic .
23 Left unremarked in the discussion so far is the irony of the place of criminal punishment in a system which emphasizes conciliatory control based upon compliance .
24 One explanation for the cautious approach adopted so far is the resistance that is encountered whenever attempts are made to curb the discretion of the judiciary , as we shall see in the next section .
25 But do remember , what we 've talked about so far is the Sale Of Goods Act .
26 The biggest mistake that we have made so far is the one that critics of the European Community so often turn against us — the fact that we were absent when the common agricultural policy was established .
27 The cumulative revenue from these is represented by the area under the last graph , that of product D. The provision of the data so far is the responsibility of the marketing/sales function .
28 His total so far is the highest in the country and puts him thousands ahead in the TFM Radio area .
29 Like the syllable , the tone-unit has a fairly clearly-defined internal structure , but the only component that has been mentioned so far is the tonic syllable .
30 Perhaps now is the right time to bring an unproductive relationship to an end .
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