Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We would be most grateful to receive nominations before the closing date , March 31st . , .
2 Somehow , I felt it was rather sacrilegious to mention Jesus 's name aloud where we were .
3 ( ii ) It then becomes rather palatable to describe f as the function given by unc or again as the function given by af = b , for all a ε A.
4 There is more room for disagreement with Grant and Wallace 's assertion that a pro-labour climate is most conducive to strike violence , principally because workers may feel that such behaviour will be tolerated under a supportive regime .
5 The Type II model may lead to inequity between health care groups since large amounts of a health authority 's budget would be compulsorily diverted to those areas where patients are more mobile and where providers find it most profitable to supply services , i.e. mainly elective surgery .
6 On the other hand , Type II systems would appear to allow little scope for equity between groups since large amounts of a health authority 's budget would be compulsorily diverted to those areas where patients are more mobile and where providers find it most profitable to supply services , that is mainly elective surgery .
7 A stranger to the district , coming over a brow of the hill , would have stopped astonished and perhaps a little peeved to see Ploughman 's Lane lying beneath him .
8 Grasscloth is delicate , needs handling with care , and is most suited to light-wear areas of the house .
9 The difficulties of the student in arranging pupillage make it rather theoretical to give advice on the assumption that he can pick and choose .
10 It is as if he is most careful to avoid reference to ideology because that would imply a determinacy that his analysis would have to confront .
11 He was grimly prepared to face criticism of his trick on Hector , but Eachuinn Odhar was determined that Lachlan should be chosen .
12 He would find somewhere high to take stance and think .
13 This was successfully accomplished and it will be most interesting to follow developments .
14 It was wholly unrealistic to construe paragraph 19 without regard to paragraph 16 .
15 It is perhaps possible to recognize traces of the version of Nicolas of Damascus in the account of Josephus in Bellum Judaicum 1 if we compare it with the much more elaborate story told by Josephus in his Antiquitates Judaicae .
16 Retributivism claims that it is in some way morally right to return evil for evil , that two wrongs can somehow make a right .
17 Nevertheless , she was sufficiently alert to give vent to her usual state of ill-humour .
18 It 's it 's not necessarily possible to generate jobs from with within its own boundaries .
19 Other people , some obviously unused to rough walking and ill-equipped for it , will inevitably be encountered on the popular path through the gorge , their approach being heralded by screams and shouts , to the dismay of those who prefer to be solitary and silent amidst scenes of grandeur , but this is a place where the company of others must be accepted with good grace .
20 It 's less usual to enjambe stanzas than it is to enjambe lines and it creates this continuous flow .
21 Please note that the studio is also used as a theatre , bistro and rehearsal space , so it is often only possible to see exhibitions after 6pm .
22 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
23 In the rundown areas of inner cities which are unattractive to developers and other entrepreneurs it will often be only possible to stimulate business activity by an injection of public funds .
24 To take a specific example , from the same book SIMULATIONS , It is not only possible to analyse Disneyland as a digest of the American way of life but such an ideological analysis conceals a further order of simulations : " Disneyland is there to conceal the fact that it is the " real " country , all of " real " America , which IS Disneyland …
25 Unfortunately , in the present study it was only possible to make comparisons among symptomatic children , because ethical constraints precluded measurement of UOS pressure from children who were well .
26 With the steady decline in the Southern protestant population until recently , it was only possible to have government funds for such schools if these schools were reasonably economical .
27 No similar possibility existed with the Soviet Jewish community , since it was only possible to have relations with the Soviet Union through its government .
28 The importance of Fritz and Hitzig 's work lay in their demonstration that with brief , low-intensity electrical stimulation it was only possible to evoke movement from a restricted area of the cerebral cortex , hence the name ‘ electrically excitable motor cortex ’ .
29 The best reason for wanting some account of certainty in our analysis of knowledge is that people are rightly hesitant to claim knowledge when they are less than certain .
30 Price alterations to tickets are often found , in some instances this has been done twice , perhaps due to fare increases during World War I and subsequent reductions afterwards .
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