Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It blew open those divisions , but did not stop the present Prime Minister saying , when he spoke as Chancellor in that debate : ’ I believe that they will vote for the consistency , courage and conviction with which my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has led this country so successfully for so long . ’
2 The House of Lords held that parental rights are recognised in law only for so long as they are needed for the protection of the child .
3 But only for so long .
4 They could keep up between four and five miles in each hour only for so long , for even strong and accustomed muscles tired .
5 ( 4 ) The justices were under a duty to make any secure accommodation order only for so long as was necessary .
6 We 've been back together for so long I 'd almost forgotten about it .
7 Gabriel held me together for so long .
8 We 'd never been alone together for so long before .
9 Letting Baptiste in where the two of them had reigned together for so long .
10 But the last thing she had expected was that John would take advantage of it , especially after so long an absence from her , and even more especially after the crisis they had endured and survived together these months past .
11 In other ways , however , there is a continuity in these policies , especially in so far as inner-city and urban initiatives specifically target defined spatial areas and direct resources deliberately towards them through special schemes .
12 Things happened in this period that profoundly influenced sociological thinking in particular , and especially in so far as it related to crime and criminals ; they led to a comprehensive rejection of the most cherished principles of positivist criminology .
13 On the other hand , the very pursuit of ‘ respectability ’ , especially in so far as it involved claims to status recognition and participation in local institutions , was a source of social tension , a focal point in the growth of class identity .
14 Corporatism tends to " fit " the facts best with respect to the major functional economic groupings of capital and labour ; with respect to issues of economic policy ( especially in so far as they concern incomes ) in periods of boom when labour can not be easily disciplined by market forces ; and at the level of the central state .
15 Over the past few years , part of the Left in Britain has moved into a more considered view as to the limits of elements of the British constitution , at the same time as it has become increasingly alive to the merits of elements of that same constitution — especially in so far as they bear on the issues of democracy , the sovereignty of Parliament and the people , and civil liberties .
16 First , it provided a most favourable environment for the development of capitalism — a stable , well-organized political system , with a rational and effectively administered body of law , especially in so far as it related to property and contracts .
17 He himself emphasized his concern to record the good and bad that was being done in his own day , especially in so far as it concerned the Church , and he noted among the principal actors , kings , catholics and heretics .
18 The debate over the respective roles of nuclear and conventional arms was inevitably bound up with questions of authority and influence within Nato , especially in so far as they related to the possible use of nuclear weapons , and to their proliferation within the alliance .
19 So in so far as that affects the confession it may mean that it could be removed but that 's really completely irrelevant to you because erm that 's his confession , not evidence against him .
20 He disobeyed Baudelaire 's instruction to be partial , or obeyed it only in so far as he took a stand against conservative taste .
21 But this was a drama , the story of the circumstances of Van Gogh 's life ; ‘ No attempt has been made , ’ wrote Meier-Graefe , ‘ to make a critical analysis of the pictures , which enter upon the scene only in so far as they concern the drama directly or indirectly . ’
22 The interest of how things are resides in their figuration , discernible and expressible by the deeper realist , of how things will be only in so far as that futurity is the truth and the end of how they are and always have been .
23 They rarely study natural events , and only in so far as they impinge on the human world .
24 The Revolution had impinged on their consciousness only in so far as it provided them with land , or took away foodstuffs during War Communism .
25 The discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is assumed that the curriculum ( such a global phenomenon ) is no-one 's responsibility in particular , and clearly this is so in an individual sense — but it is however the responsibility of the profession to take a leading role in this area and at the moment it is not fulfilling this role .
26 Rawls ' theory deviates from comprehensive neutrality in requiring equal ability to pursue ideals of the good only in so far as that ability depends on the principle of equal liberty .
27 The transitive verb meant ‘ to make suitable ’ and when translated into human terms this indicated a solution to a number of perceived difficulties in the juvenile labour-market : at the very least it offered a safeguard against redundancy through technological change ; it provided a necessary companion for ‘ intelligence ’ , one of the qualities demanded by ‘ modern ’ industrial conditions ; and it seemed to imply a degree of social contentment , integration , and stability , which were important , if only in so far as they could serve as protection against the ravages of unemployment and , in extreme cases , unemployability .
28 Since Ebrahimi was decided , s 459 of the Companies Act 1985 has added to the minority shareholder 's armoury a claim of ‘ unfair prejudice ’ , but only in so far as the conduct ( actual or threatened ) that he complains of is prejudicial to him in his capacity as a member .
29 We might say that the despair of existentialism is simply the logic of atheism , but this is true only in so far as atheism itself is the logic of ungrateful Protestantism .
30 I am inclined to say that ‘ Here ’ , in answer to ‘ Where are you ? ’ is true only in so far as it basks in the reflected glory of such genuine truths as , ‘ Here ’ , said as I point into the flower-vase , having been asked , ‘ Where is it ? ’ in the course of a game of hunt-the-thimble .
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