Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] way of " in BNC.

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1 He accepted his country 's crusading role in South Vietnam , and looked only for ways of bringing about " victory " .
2 They go into school wearing comfortable old clothes and rapidly discover they need to tailor for themselves , and quickly , a substantial wardrobe , not only of ways of operating but of ways of thinking , feeling and perceiving as well .
3 Clearly , the recent bombing campaign in Northern Ireland does not help our attempts to attract inward investment , but all parties in the House , as part of a Northern Ireland team , work together on ways of trying to get more investment .
4 Consequently , their partly decomposed forms — peat — can not contain much by way of those nutrients that are required by higher plant forms like roses .
5 If Soviet equipment is not always of an adequate standard , Western equipment is often over-sophisticated for Soviet purposes , demanding much by way of supporting technologies which in the USSR simply do not exist .
6 Dozens of scholars have tackled it , without achieving much by way of agreement .
7 The two women had not been able to help much by way of descriptions apart from recounting details of the horrific masks the burglars wore and that one appeared to be rather thin ( the one with the broken leg ) .
8 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
9 ‘ You ca n't have seen much of your brother , ’ she commented , merely by way of conversation .
10 It is well established that a public law decision by a local authority may be open to challenge by way of defence or counterclaim to an action brought by the local authority in the High Court or the county court , notwithstanding the fact that if the defendant had sought to begin the proceedings he would have had to do so by way of judicial review : see Wandsworth London Council v. Winder [ 1985 ] A.C. 461 .
11 Beccaria 's ideas had been fated to win great praise but achieve less by way of practical influence in the running of penal systems .
12 Contributions from Squadron members are related in the order that they joined the unit and make for fascinating reading , especially as raids and operations inter-weave with different opinions coming to the fore — Alan has added occasional notes only by way of factual back-up , ensuring the originality of the contributor 's writing .
13 This generalization would of course be efficiently stated only by way of a certain interpreted equation .
14 It provided no prescriptions for the substantive curriculum , except at the level of general aims , and these only by way of suggestion .
15 So far we have mentioned two reasons why theories must be seen as organized structures of some kind : the fact that historical study shows theories to possess that feature and the fact that it is only by way of a coherently structured theory that concepts acquire a precise meaning .
16 My noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , at pp. 121–122 , also referred to the minister 's speech , although possibly only by way of support for a conclusion he had reached on other grounds .
17 Detective Chief Inspector , Midshire C.l.D. — I mention it only by way of presenting credentials .
18 An equitable mortgagee seeking possession is in precisely the same position as a legal mortgagee ( Barclays Bank Ltd v Bird [ 1954 ] Ch 274 at p 280 ) , but the remedy of an equitable chargee is only by way of sale ( see The Supreme Court Practice Vol 1 at 50/1 — 9/23 ) .
19 Searching around for a related but cooperative proposition that B might be intending to convey , we arrive at the opposite , or negation , of what B has stated namely that Britain does n't rule the seas , and thus by way of Relevance to the prior utterance , the suggestion that there is nothing that Britain could do .
20 It had once been a well , serving the monastery , but when the Red Guards had come they had filled it with broken statuary , almost to its rim , and now the water — channelled from the hills above by way of an underground stream — rose to the lip of the well .
21 Griffith 's intention was to condemn the hypocrisy of wealthy do-gooders and just by way of illustration he brilliantly made real the experience of industrial warfare .
22 just by way of comparison for rough guidance that there is a regulation or or something like that which says , if I remember rightly , that erm er payments must not be made for either services or goods not supplied above a figure of two thousand pounds without er being taken to committee first .
23 Section 212 makes provision for the court to compel past and present officers of the company to restore monies or property misapplied , or to contribute such a sum as the court thinks just by way of compensation .
24 ‘ You know , ’ she said resentfully , ‘ when Billy was inside he was sharing a landing with some very funny men , and one day he was telling them about that pub he bought with the cellars full of Château d'Yquem not showing off or nothing , just by way of general conversation , and they said , ‘ Nice , is it , with that stuff you lot eat ?
25 Good morning , hope you all enjo hope you all enjoyed the meeting last night and er just by way of a change today we 've got er er resolutions and debates on the Labour Party and from one socialist party to another can I extend the warmest congratulations of the G M B Labour Party Conference to our comrades in Spain who 've been successful in winning a fourth general election .
26 But er , this is just by way of an anticipation , the the general conclusion comes for instance , in this rather generalized book , and relatively short book , is that we ought to base variety and social order on science , and its insights , and certainly not on , on religion , and , and there he , there he leaves the question .
27 Erm and I think just by way of introductory comment , I I refer to the the paper that that North Yorkshire put round , N Y eleven , erm in which there there 's a far fuller discussion in there of what of what the environmental constraints are and what the considerations should be .
28 The amount of time , officer time taken to process an application for a modification to an existing permission is still substantial and in some cases can be even more than that per a new proposal , but in those circumstances , and this is just by way of illustration because the the actual fee regime is , is very variable , by way of illustration the fee chargeable for a a , a modification is much less than for the application as a whole er f for , for the er er working as a whole .
29 Just just by way of informa information , the regional routes rail network , you 're talking about the Harrogate line , the one to Scarborough and ?
30 Okay then let me just by way of er introduction er to the concepts and the content of what we 're going to do over the next two days let me just put a very small fraction of a picture up here .
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