Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , we 've been the channels , been been right through to street lighting itself
2 You have a set of notes here now I 'm not gon na start at page one and work right through to page whatever it is erm they are there for you to take away for you to make notes during these two days er and for you to take away so that they 're they 're for revision and er there are as Bob 's just discovering pages where a I 'll ask you to make make specific notes er that I 'll supply to you as we go along .
3 Where the product provides the basis for allocating work , there are advantages in having specialist sales representatives who can deal with technical as well as general queries ( eg as in computer sales ) .
4 So after about sort of , after about one second , it 's come up to about two thirds .
5 Erm I used to carry a lot especially in in Summer .
6 So in in response you said that they they were for accuracy and I pointed out to you that that at site thirteen there was a sixty percent error from your forecast for three years hence , nineteen ninety six and what is in fact being achieved at this very moment in time .
7 Such criticisms were launched not only from outside university English .
8 To make a transfer , you simply start both machines together from off play-pause and record-pause respectively and run to the end of the recording — synchro-edit facilities make this easier to manage .
9 To make a copy , start both machines together from off play-pause and record-pause respectively and run to end of recording .
10 What 's more , among the ministries ( such as MHW ) , layers of bureaucratic procedures and regulations serve to insulate government employees from outside criticism , and especially from outside punishment .
11 A determined and authoritarian State can prepare ideologically the ground for repressive legislation by constructing certain forms of criminal personality and behaviour as necessarily outside of reason , and outside of ordinary law .
12 Right , well if we multiply both sides , we multiply both sides of B right , by this co-efficient lander alright , we get right , lander by T minus one , lander erm right then what we do is that we get beta into lander X T minus one plus lander squared , X T minus two lander cubed , X T minus three , and lander to four X T minus four and so on and so s so on until infinity right .
13 This was followed soon after by penicillin and then a host of other antibiotics , very many of which are or were effective in the treatment of gonorrhoea .
14 Mind you the shit I used to get away with at school , you know , just winding the teachers up and like generally taking the piss , I 'd always pay attention and I 'd always , always get good marks but somehow I think they seem to take pissing about slightly more seriously here .
15 I see that Durham County councillors are to impose a poll tax which is the maximum they can get away with within Government limits .
16 An elderly gent wandering the streets talking to himself about his secret wedding to his ward tomorrow ( because the plot requires him to be overheard so she 'll find out ) is the sort of thing you can only get away with in opera .
17 The smooth metal slid away from in front of her box-like boots to reveal the surface of the space station , now only a hundred metres below the shuttle .
18 Today this ideal is tantalisingly just outside of reach .
19 Mr Annenberg lives at Rancho Mirage , just outside of Palm Springs , California , at the intersection of Frank Sinatra and Bob Hope Drives .
20 At clearing with pond on left , turn right round back of house and over stile on to track leading shortly down to road .
21 So Chairman just to in conclusion , we continue , we are proposing to continue this daily expansion of nursery places , our half a million pounds this year would be divided up roughly three hundred and fifty one thousand pounds on revenue and a hundred and fifty thousand pounds on capital and would gain us over four hundred new places , that 's in line with the type of expansion that we achieved
22 Next to it , next to them , the record , you have cafe , and just across from cafe you know cafe .
23 Oh yes oh well er er is just across in fact is across the border .
24 I mean it 's almost like as as part of y'know kind of the general the general gossip of everyday life .
25 The other object of special note is the so-called Blaze Star , T Coronæ , which is usually of about magnitude 10 , but which flared up to naked-eye visibility in 1866 and again in 1946 .
26 A cheque for £100 was presented by estate agents Dollery Waller in Saltburn yesterday towards to town 's Bandstand Fund .
27 In 1583 the Woodcocks were back ‘ with divers ... desperate and lewde persons ’ who ‘ in riotous manner dug ... one myghty diche more like in truthe a defence to have kepte owte some forren enemyes than an inclosure to keepe in cattell ’ .
28 And the he had er these two men had started up then they started up and i They 're still there to You know what i mean , I do n't know if there 's the same men are there , but 's still up in Street .
29 He argues ‘ though God exists totally outside of culture , while humans exist totally within culture , God chooses the cultural milieu in which humans are immersed as the arena for his interaction with people ’ ( Kraft 1979:114 ) .
30 Er twenty two minutes away from eight , let's quickly down to Lane , get confirmation of Notts County 's sixteen players on duty tonight with Colin .
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