Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 As to the application of legal procedures deriving from Napoleonic law , it is perhaps worth considering that arrangements formulated in the days of the horse and cart may not be appropriate to a supersonic age .
2 Finally , and outside the university context , it is perhaps worth mentioning that the Camden library service has a good loan collection of African writing .
3 For those who have never seen or handled one of the Miller Dictionaries , it is perhaps worth mentioning that the eighth edition ( 1768 ) weighs 17½ lbs ( c.8kg ) , contains 333 folio sheets and measures 430 × 90 mm ( 666 sides of text ) .
4 It is perhaps worth remembering that both Epstein , Akhmatova and Nevinson knew him as solitary and an intensely private man .
5 It is perhaps worth remembering that the Beveridge Report was published as early as 1942 ; it embodied the aspirations of so many who had been disappointed by the failure of Lloyd George 's ‘ land fit for heroes to live in ’ to materialise .
6 Yet the high-momentum electrons and positrons observed must eventually be explained somehow and it is perhaps worth remarking that it is not new in physics for novel phenomena to be observed when looking for something else .
7 In this context , it is perhaps worth noting that the body politic oscillates between two contradictory modes of address towards the civil population .
8 ( It is perhaps worth noting that if the whole-tone scale had been that which begins on D♭ the degree of conflict would have been less . )
9 This is only a metaphor , but the point is perhaps worth making that the insistence on ‘ independent contractor ’ status on the part of the GPs and local competition for patients ( which necessitates collective regulation through ‘ professional ethics and etiquette ’ ) , weakened their bargaining position with both their hospital colleagues and with Government .
10 Just how remote this stance in fact is from the aesthetic is a matter for further debate , but it is perhaps worth interpolating that the implied valorisation of the products of these engaged avant-gardes as a function of their engagement is defeasible .
11 Elizabeth 's famous Armada speech — ‘ I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman , but I have the heart of a king and a king of England too ’ — and Mary 's much-quoted desire to live the life of a soldier , wearing a Glasgow buckler and sleeping under the stars , are testimony to one ( it is perhaps worth adding that the context for Elizabeth was fighting Spain , for Mary fighting her half-brother ) .
12 It is perhaps worth adding that the phases we have identified are the ones which the self-conscious discipline of International Relations itself regards as significant .
13 So much for ensuring that the rights of the individual or of an organisation are not disregarded by an inspector 's investigation taking place in private .
14 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
15 Vic Williams has said that he left his regiment only after concluding that he had no other option remaining ( at no time prior to his decision to leave was he made aware of his rights as a soldier to register a conscientious objection to military service ) .
16 He was a great lover of country sports — but only after seeing that his business was running efficiently did he allow himself to relax and seek pleasure with his gun , his rod or on horseback .
17 But he climbed to his current pre-eminence only after spotting that the competitive battleground in the car market was shifting from styling and speed to quality .
18 These ties have had the effect , not only of ensuring that the peripheral economies serve the needs of the core — principally through provision of cheap raw materials — but also of impeding and distorting political , social and cultural developments at the periphery .
19 They did so under protest that the money was not due because the Regulations were ultra vires and void .
20 Against this background it is not surprising that the duty to benefit the company should be framed not as a duty to take specific actions or to achieve determinate results , but is instead concerned only with ensuring that the directors act in accordance with proper objectives .
21 Now she paused so long before answering that she forgot what she was going to say .
22 It is tempting to put this all down to a simple lexical ambiguity , but we should not do so before remarking that while question ( 44 ) can correspond to either version , ( 45 ) can only match the " unacquainted " version .
23 Reading can sometimes provide guidance and support , especially in showing that others have had similar confusions and conflicts , and have survived .
24 Is it strident enough in stating that not enough is being achieved ?
25 So in suggesting that more people are doing weird things to themselves these days , I plead caution .
26 Erm so in assuming that that in these sort of situations , the speaker and the listener erm quote Share a set of interpreted procedures which allow speakers intention to be encoded by the speaker and correctly interpreted by the listener .
27 We ate so much of it , it was so marvellous , that we hardly wanted the sausage and the ham , noticed only in passing that the wine was n't up to much , and that the eggs in the omelette which presently appeared were spanking fresh and buttercup yellow — in the French countryside one takes that for granted .
28 The story mentioned only in passing that the league table was one devised by Mr Malik for assessing Independent Islamic Schools in Wimbledon .
29 Setting budgets and the associated budgetary control is one essential ingredient not only in ensuring that managers are aware of the financial implications of their decisions , but also in the measurement of actual performance against a predetermined target .
30 The Commission had taken much of its case from the evidence of the BBFC , differing only in proposing that the private exhibition of films on domestic occasions should not be subject to criminal sanction provided that no person under 16 was present and no charge was made for the exhibition or for anything provided in connection with it .
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