Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 And right where she did n't expect it in the black universe was another dark space , solid with hidden meanings , difficult to see , alien to her comprehension .
2 However , as was pointed out by the Court of Appeal in Coward v Comex Houlder Diving Ltd ( 1988 ) ( reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-322 ) the conventional percentage does not necessarily apply where the wife had been earning a considerable sum herself prior to her husband 's death or presumably where she had a substantial private income : see also Davies v Hawes ( 1990 ) reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-323 .
3 She did n't correct enough or she lost control or maybe she 'd had a few bevvies .
4 place of the All where she had her dwelling .
5 When he moved abruptly to cover her , to force a place for himself on top of her , levering her legs wider to open her body to him , his coarse , muscled weight was a blissful assuagement of hunger , a hunger burning through her so fiercely that she felt almost faint …
6 He stood at the bottom of the steps and looked up at her so fiercely that she stopped halfway down and felt quite uneasy , wondering exactly what she had done wrong .
7 The little reporter realized suddenly that she had a real story for her editor and went pale with fear as she remembered that lady 's ruthless slashing up of her last offering , the report of an insignificant wedding .
8 He looked down at her , his face tightening and then , so suddenly that she had no time to read his intentions , he pulled her to him .
9 It occurred to her suddenly that she had forgotten to tell Urquhart what had gone on during the day , especially what Marek Nowak had told her and the disastrous arrest of Taczek .
10 It occurred to her suddenly that she had rarely enjoyed herself so much as she was now doing , seated in Dr Neil 's kitchen , dressed like a skivvy and eating a huge meal , rather than languidly nibbling at it , as she would have done at one of Aunt Nella 's ‘ At Homes ’ .
11 She thought suddenly that she had taken Dr Neil for granted , that she had not fully realised either his hard work or his dedication , and for the first time understood the impulse which had caused him to leave the cushioned life of a younger son of a good family and become an East End doctor instead .
12 She wished suddenly that she had met him under different circumstances : not as Jenny 's boy friend ; not as her fellow beneficiary in Aunt Alicia 's will .
13 It occurred to her suddenly that she found the cloak-and-dagger element in all this vaguely disturbing , and totally unnecessary .
14 Leaving the clinic she realised suddenly that she wanted to go to her garden .
15 His hold about her tightened so suddenly that she winced and cried out .
16 I honestly thought she loved me so much that she 'd been prepared to get herself pregnant to trick me into marriage .
17 So much that she fell on the first excuse to put some distance between them .
18 It turned out to be a cutting from the Guardian , and contained much that she wanted to know .
19 Either he loved Kirsty less than she had given him credit for , or he hated Shiona even more fiercely than she had ever suspected .
20 She had already known , half consciously , that she liked her grandmother better than she liked her mother , and loved her mother more fiercely than she loved her grandmother .
21 Julia compared the food of the two parties and decided unhappily that she liked both the dish-of-herbs meal of this evening and also the elaborate deliciousness of avocado mousse , sole and boeuf en croûte of the previous day .
22 She laughed more naturally than she had in his presence before .
23 He was on his feet so swiftly that she drew back automatically , worried about being here at night in her dressing-gown , and her action brought a black frown to his face .
24 ‘ I 'm trying to , ’ Carrie said , so impatiently that she sounded , he thought , more like a cross girl his own age than his mother .
25 He and she were similar but he had a natural goodness which she lacked , and she did not want to claim aloud that she understood him because that , in itself , would lead to misunderstanding .
26 It was bad enough that she 'd fallen in love with the cold , glacial man she already knew him to be — if she were to suddenly discover a tender , humane element to his character , heaven help her .
27 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
28 It was enough that she had to work with him .
29 Naomi , she was arriving back penniless she had a foreign daughter-in-law , that in itself was proof enough that she had strayed from God 's will .
30 And thankfully , after the initial shock , he had handled the situation better than she had expected .
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