Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i leave " in BNC.

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1 While he was out I had rewritten my will so that I left nothing to my ex .
2 I would suppose it was shortly after four o'clock that I left the guest house and ventured out into the streets of Salisbury .
3 so if I leave the doors open
4 We had arranged to meet Mrs Newton at her home at ten o'clock and I left my flat earlier than necessary to try to miss some of the rush-hour traffic , though how you avoid a rush hour which lasts from around seven in the morning to nine o'clock at night , I do not know .
5 I said that he could try to put the cube together and I left him with the pieces while I went to fetch some paper .
6 He died a while back , not long before I left Briar Cottage . ’
7 Now I won that game , losing just two ‘ pieces ’ , but only after I left with the comeliest ‘ piece ’ of all , a wench from the imperial harem , did Suleiman discover that I had cheated and publicly marked me down for death .
8 But erm , it was suggested about a year or so before I left , that I might take what was called The Gardeners Scholarship to erm The Royal College for the Blind , which in those days was at erm Upper Norwood S E nineteen and erm so erm I had no objections , I did n't , I did n't see any future at all in it anyway , but erm I took this erm scholarship examination , went up to the R N C to work erm some papers and to be interviewed and erm , much to my surprise they erm offered me one of these scholarships which was worth forty pounds a year for three years in the Commercial Department of the College which was an innovation really as erm primarily a College of Music for erm blind students and erm so off I went to the R N C of sixteen and erm did my three year course and got erm some R S A certificates and erm was reasonably successful I suppose I , perhaps I was n't as diligent as I should have been .
9 Perhaps when I leave here I 'll join the Class War party , though I 'll have to insist they spare Ellis when the revolution comes … ’
10 This was an ingenious wheelchair attached to the front of a bicycle ; and lastly as I left , I had a word with Stefan Sielaff from Germany , who had designed a fantastic three-wheeled single seater vehicle in fibreglass , that was catching everyone 's eye !
11 I finished the song and only as I left the stage did I realise I had wet myself with fear .
12 So when I left the Army , I went into that sort of thing . ’
13 Then I went to Cambridge and my parents could n't afford to make up the state scholarship I 'd got — they were supposed to give me £200 a year , but they were n't able to do that , so when I left Cambridge I had a £600 overdraft .
14 So when I left school at 17 to become a hairdresser , I was lovely and slim .
15 ‘ Then it would obviously be best if I leave you on your own until you 're in a more reasonable mood , ’ he said , walking towards the door .
16 So all in all it 's best if I leave . ’
17 Just because I left him , ’ she said , ‘ it does n't mean I stopped loving him .
18 The last time I saw Teddy was one morning shortly before I left Huntingdon for my next posting .
19 This trial was only started shortly before I left post and the results are not yet known .
20 ‘ My outside bet for the job was suggested to me by Steve Hodge shortly before I left Forest , ’ writes Chapman .
21 " Shortly before I left — the last argument I had with mother — she told me that Dermot Corcoran was n't my father .
22 I heard a conversation about this shortly before I left Laputa .
23 It must have been just after I left , thought Joan .
24 And it and this , the one , the last one was just after I left so I did n't know her , I knew her to look at but I did n't know her personally .
25 Just after I left Joe , this side of the corner of Bal Lane .
26 I 'm just going to pay a call anyway before I leave it to the very last .
27 Soon after I left them , they were working overtime to fulfil a big order , when there was a breakdown .
28 At eight I had my first migraine ( I could not please her , I might as well join her ; they stopped soon after I left home ) , and I started to get rapidly and relentlessly short-sighted .
29 Shortly after I left the public sector again , I was invited to chair a seminar at the Civil Service Staff College at Sunningdale comparing being an accounting officer in the Civil Service and being chairman of a public company and appearing before an annual general meeting .
30 It would save me watering tonight before I leave for London . ’
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