Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 It 's suitable for all hair types and lengths but because it 's gentle , the waves will drop more quickly on longer hair .
2 Even as he uses the accommodation in Annexe A to manoeuvre Serafin into discovering for himself the waiting garret , so he is using the garret to manoeuvre him into rejecting all the proposed associates in Annexe B. Once Serafin has insisted on installing himself in the garret — against all reasonable advice — he is going to discover that the kind of staff he needs will be young and agile , with a good knowledge of the backstairs of Government buildings and an ability to duck their heads and remain inclined slightly forwards for long periods of time .
3 But Virginia Woolf 's mature novels consist almost entirely of long passages of introspection by the characters in free indirect style , punctuated by banal conversational remarks and parenthetical reports of trivial actions .
4 Mention has been made to the paperwork , I think that it 's worth reminding ourselves that a lot of the paperwork that has been generated , is a direct result of Conservative government introduced legislation , particularly cri criminal justice er , legislation , which requires a considerable amount of paperwork , erm , to be completed by officers , quite often in long , in longhand , and not making use of technology , where in fact they er , a great deal of time and effort could be con , er could be er , saved .
5 The Yugoslav revolution succeeded in preventing the nationalities within its state frontiers from massacring each other almost certainly for longer than ever before in their history and though this achievement is now unfortunately crumbling , by the end of 1988 national tensions had not yet led to a single fatality .
6 Girls ' underachievement relates to specific areas of mathematics , especially those involving measurements and the concepts which underlie them ; this kind of underachievement is almost certainly of long standing .
7 Customer loyalty depends very much on long term customer satisfaction and belief that the school is providing quality education .
8 The most obvious clue to its presence is its movement , so in order for its camouflage to work it must be prepared to remain very still for long periods of time , or at least to alter its position very slowly and gently .
9 The whole incident was a very sore point with my crew , who had worked very hard for long hours on this one , and it was a classic illustration of how our laws often seem to lean over backwards to protect the lawbreakers .
10 Inset Left : Designed for deep sea work but often used on relatively shallow canals this diving gear allowed men to work safely underwater for long periods .
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