Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He turned right into Caldecott Road , left into Howard 's Avenue , right on to Mainwaring Road and up the wide thoroughfare that led to Wimbledon Hill .
2 These tensions were heightened by allegations made after the first-round most vocally by Macedonian nationalists that Albanians had perpetrated a massive multiple voting fraud .
3 Most importantly for Lear , lithography cut out the need for , and the expense of , the middlemen or professional draughtsmen , who all too often destroyed the artistry of a drawing by their clinical interpretation .
4 But it was agreed on all sides , and most importantly by Graham Watson himself , that his instructions were that the fee was to go to a charitable organisation flying relief into Biafra .
5 This idea of the diversified , fully funded scheme ( that is , run to match assets with present and future pension liabilities ) has been applied most widely in America and Britain , where its principles have been written into law ; it has also spread into Japan but scarcely at all into Germany , where company pension reserves frequently remain invested in the firm 's own shares .
6 The extent of this immunity was stated most widely in Duncan v. Cammel Laird ( H. L. , 1942 ) , where a claim by the Admiralty that documents relating to the construction of a submarine should not be disclosed , was upheld .
7 Bologna was rich and had the usual rivalries with neighbours , most intensively with Modena , its arch-enemy .
8 And in some cases , most strikingly in Normandy , the landed gains of castellans had been made at the expense of the comital demesne .
9 I could not bear to see him suffer and so I threw myself wholeheartedly on to Nonni 's side , arguing passionately that my aunts ' lack of interest in day-to-day matters was a boring affectation ; that Nonni was much more ‘ real ’ and ‘ closer to life ’ .
10 Kafka 's genius lies in his having grasped that this was much more true to experience , much more realistic , than the rich sensuality and feeling for the individual etc. etc. of Lawrence and his much more pathetic followers .
11 At the top of the hill Bathsheba turned and saw the woman walking slowly on towards Casterbridge .
12 These words were probably written after the capture and tonsuring of the king in 731 by unnamed opponents who kept him for a while in a monastic centre , somewhere presumably in Northumbria .
13 In fact what strikes me most forcibly about Lyell 's pillars is not their evidence of placid uniformitarianism but rather of episodic " catastrophism " .
14 This view is held by Mr Leahy ; it is expressed most forcibly by Jeffrey Sachs , a Harvard economist who has advised the Russians and long argued for more aid .
15 Prospecting continued in other provinces , though most intensely in Connaught and Ulster .
16 Yet the sound that dinned most irritatingly into Marian 's mind was the calling of the cuckoo that seemed to follow them , now near , now far , throughout the day .
17 England 's purpose-built attack was carrying out its duties to the letter , right down to Munton 's strike soon after his delayed introduction .
18 Even Gollum , though seen by the elves , vanishes ‘ down the Silverlode southward ’ , i.e. on the far bank , and according to Aragorn has followed the Fellowship only ‘ right down to Nimrodel ’ .
19 They said there was a wild night or it somewhere down about Ballinluig .
20 Her family were nice , lived somewhere down in Sussex , a normal middle-class country family .
21 they 're somewhere down in Gillingham down in
22 He did n't tell long stories like Patsy did , or wistful tales like Dekko Moore about the time he made harnesses for the Lords of the Soil somewhere down in Meath .
23 That he evidently supposes that a 43-year-old woman , hitherto miserably infertile , could make cod claims on such an issue tells you rather less about Walter than it does about Graham Swannell 's flimsy and opportunistic approach to characterisation .
24 It was the best time because not only were there so many cars , but they went slowly enough for Denise to write down their numbers and makes as Tony shouted them out .
25 An alternative route to reach the square is to go right along Via Unione , then first left into Via Arcimboldi and left again into Via Lupetta to reach Piazza Sant' Alessandro .
26 At the top of Via Durini go right along Via Borgogna .
27 It gives an evocative glimpse of a winter landscape : ‘ In those days we travelled on push-bikes and the rampart right along to Ballinary was high and soft .
28 Heading east from Poole in Dorset right along to Dover in Kent there are sights to see and bargain breaks waiting to be snapped up .
29 Inevitably , he came under the scrutiny of the bigger clubs and Spurs and Brentford made offers , but he eventually moved rather suddenly in October 1935 to Norwich City , when the Canaries paid their record fee to obtain his services , and he played for the Carrow Road club until the war .
30 Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain , on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear .
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