Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To take comfort in the simple truth about Hard Times : that however rotten things might seem at the moment , they will most assuredly seem altogether quaint fifty years from now .
2 But it was too sweet , Léonie thought : how could it be called dying , most intensively living more like .
3 McLaren , desperate to complete the film , had no option but to agree , thereby effectively signing away his control of the Sex Pistols ' future .
4 ) Some of the water evaporates , some is used by the plants , some seeps into the ground , but most eventually flows downhill into streams .
5 As he rather gloomily put together a breakfast of poached egg and grilled bacon he felt neither particularly healthy nor particularly clear-minded .
6 The attempt to talk about ‘ the family in industrial society ’ implies some contrast with the family in ‘ pre-industrial society ’ , thereby apparently lumping together feudal Europe , the major empires and kingdoms of the Middle and Far East and the Americas , and the many forms of tribal , hunting , nomadic and peasant societies that have been found throughout different parts of the globe .
7 Most of the other examples cited in Bolinger 's article as adjectives capable only of sense-qualification do not seem to us to be properly so classified either ; if they are felt to be atypical it is for some other reason .
8 Among the areas of technical interest is the evaluation of GIS software when used with zonal datasets , particularly since this form of information is far more common in the social sciences and ‘ the real world ’ than are the digital mapping and remote sensing datasets for which GIS is most highly developed so far .
9 The rage and sense of injustice , for a separatist , is not powerfully enough voiced anywhere else .
10 We may regret we live in a permissive society but I doubt whether even the most staunch defender of a better age would maintain that all or even most of those who have at one time or in one way or another been led astray morally have thereby become depraved or corrupt " .
11 They wandered off to the north-east a bit but not badly enough to get really lost , and after a while made a correction to drift back to north .
12 Use of more than one line to steer a kite dates back as far as the 1820s when George Peacock pioneered use of kites for traction of carriages and a boat.He utilised variable tension on two lines to elevate or depress peg-top kites successfully enough to transport as many as 16 lads to a cricket match , including his grandson , W.G.Grace the famous cricketer .
13 Otherwise , one wonders , how could there constantly be those ‘ asides ’ , which seem to reveal that the participants were actually aware the game was up or rather perhaps had never started ?
14 Yet anyone who cocked an ear to their self-titled debut EP earlier this year will have been impressed by how un-English it was , both in its rough-hewn melancholic tangle — most obviously echoing both Buffalo Tom and the N-band , though not actually resembling either — and the absence of what has now become the standard English guitar-band attitude : jumped-up barrow boys jostling those same old post-punk moves , all looking out for the main chance and a quick route to the charts .
15 Proceedings were considerably more relaxed following its sale , and after Picasso 's 1932 ‘ Compotier et guitare ’ sold via a phone bid for $3.5 million ( £1.9 million ) ( to an American private buyer ) , dozens of observers , relieved and content that the art world was n't going to collapse after all , got up and left , leaving the rest of the room rather sparsely attended indeed .
16 The House of Commons may be the cradle of our democracy — a little better understood perhaps now that its proceedings are televised .
17 Yet , I will go on to argue that black kids seriously involved in sport tend to be rather better placed academically than others who may not be immersed in sport .
18 She had been so terrifically busy lately that she had scarcely had time to go near the beach , except for odd moments snatched while she was shopping .
19 I do n't think I 've ever experienced a recording which has so intensely provoked so many of my emotions .
20 Most guitarists know people who can outplay them in some way and so most register somewhere on the meek and self-effacing scale .
21 ‘ He regarded the Cabinet ’ , wrote Anthony Seldon , ‘ as extremely important , even sacrosanct , and would only rarely ride roughshod over it to get his way . ’
22 It remains a superb pièce d'occasion , and is only rarely revived today .
23 Intermittent series based on 50 year averages have also been calculated for another 50 items , and a large number of individual valuations for items which occur only rarely have also been collected .
24 But this renewed social concern benefitted from the lessons of the preceding decades by being more realistic — and so arguably achieving more .
25 Other staff had long since gone home .
26 A bright nova flared up here in 1936 , but has long since become much too faint to be seen except with very large telescopes .
27 A bright nova flared up in Pictor in 1925 , and reached the first magnitude , but has long since become very faint .
28 Surely , if there really were a knowable pre-life creator , such would have long since become truly known to humanity , and would not have remained a subject of speculation after many thousands of years .
29 It is good to know that Scottish Amicable has long since grown sufficiently to be able to invest in large properties .
30 Mrs Beavis was existing in an atmosphere of relative quiet , the boisterous echoes of her rumbustious family having long since died away .
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