Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Further to a letter forwarded to me by my colleagues in the Orkney Seven Action Group , I have now confirmed to my local MP , Jim Wallace , that such representations as he can make on my behalf most assuredly have my consent .
2 And th they could get the pronunciation as well , be able to , to speak it properly besides spelling it .
3 Right right did you take her out on the evening ?
4 One effect of the nation 's defeat was that many of the elements of ‘ Japanese spirit ’ , as well as the individuals who had most vocally espoused them , were discredited .
5 Bradl has a 150-strong fan club , who most importantly supported him in the early stages of his career .
6 It is the refusal to accept an excuse that the recession is biting hard — clients need to buy to comply with the law , and most importantly to show their competitors that they are not just surviving but thriving .
7 In that way the Court was perhaps the institution which most successfully stamped its imprint upon the ECSC , and in so doing built up a body of case law , an authority , and legitimacy that could serve as foundations for the future .
8 This would seem to point to the need for more centralised bargaining since a government can most effectively pursue its policy of encouraging responsive bargaining if it can deal with the leaders of unions and employers who represent highly centralised structures , themselves have adequate authority and can expect appropriate support and consent from their memberships ( OECD , 1979a ) .
9 The structure should be tailored in such a way that it can most effectively pursue its aims .
10 For himself , he finds that the sitting posture most effectively releases his contemplative energy .
11 Others have been concerned to examine ways in which trade unions can best develop their own interests and bargain most effectively to protect themselves and to share any advantages accruing from the introduction of new technology .
12 As she joined him , rather shyly accepting his glance of approval at her slim body in its white bikini , the wind stirred his hair , blowing it out of its rigidly swept-back style .
13 We do most humbly refer our cause and ourselves to the Goodness of your Honor and the Company beseeching you to consider favourably of our unfeigned hindrance beside the great loss of our own stock laid down on these mines .
14 As he rather paradoxically put it , the final cause had to be first .
15 They urged the EC to extend the generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) to a range of products from the region , and thereby effectively to allow them duty-free entry to the European market .
16 Thus , by the end of the decade , the number of institutions in the public sector concerned with teacher training was substantially reduced , at least fourteen colleges had closed altogether , over sixty had merged with polytechnics and other further education institutions , a few had joined universities , and even those that remained ‘ free-standing ’ , that is untouched by institutional reorganization , found themselves offering a diversified range of courses including teacher training , thereby fundamentally altering their academic role .
17 A better solution perhaps is to leave the pad out of the filter altogether only using it when necessary .
18 The sun was not yet clear of the eastward banks of cloud , and the light was colourless and amorphous from the evening 's soft rain , but clear enough to show what had brought Tutilo to his knees in the darkness , and yet remained unseen .
19 About a quarter thought the BBC was biased in its treatment of the Conservative government ; rather less felt it was biased in its treatment of other parties .
20 Only one elector in seven thought ITV was biased in its treatment of the Conservatives and , again , rather less felt it was biased in its treatment of other parties .
21 Our survey panel shows that about a quarter of the electorate thought BBC-TV news was biased in its treatment of the Conservative government , though rather less felt it was biased in its treatment of other parties .
22 Only one in seven thought ITV news was biased in its treatment of the Conservatives and , again , rather less felt it was biased in its treatment of other parties .
23 He should be encouraged and allowed to write it slowly enough to write it correctly .
24 The most eagerly awaited one , as ever , was the authoritative Rothman 's Rugby Union Yearbook , edited by Steve Jones ( of Sunday Times fame ) , and now in its 21st year .
25 Equally , we tend to see the learning of a foreign language as mastering a skill , thereby perhaps doing ourselves a disservice .
26 Daddy kept rather obviously bestirring himself to mind about my exams and piling up my desk with secondary stuff I 've no time for — I do n't want to read literary criticism yet , almost at all , and I 'm damned sure he does n't smother his clever boys with it .
27 The barrel was nearly empty and I had to climb right inside to get my apple .
28 These facts escaped the attention of our radical sisters and thereby so did we .
29 Both cars spun on to the grass outfield , Senna 's McLaren minus its left front wheel and Mansell 's car damaged badly enough to ensure his retirement .
30 He made one as if he should try and comfort her , but turned away , walked upstage and on the balcony with his back to the audience , raised his arms widely only to drop them helplessly .
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