Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But do n't be misled , the book will most assuredly sink in a hot tub .
2 Right right look at the pictures then do n't okay stop thinking of hydrochloric acid , think of H C L.
3 Program start-up is rather annoyingly interrupted by a 15s delay at a screen showing Jandel Scientific 's reminder of the licence agreement , followed by a summary screen showing the program 's status in terms of memory use , maths coprocessor installation , estimated processing speed rating for the detected hardware , and various user-modifiable program settings .
4 When the committee system of the ASEA is considered as a whole , it is apparent that members were consciously operating an employment policy based upon casework , the practice most conspicuously associated with the COS , which , given the origins of the Association , is by no means unexpected .
5 Behind her I could see into what is rather optimistically known as the vestry — which is nothing more than a curtained-off area of the floor , rather like what you might see in a hospital casualty ward .
6 Lord Beddington , mindful of the same appointment , was rather optimistically emerging from the shop with a bottle of Lockyers Sulphur Hair-restorer , and six tablets of Amiral soap ( ‘ Removes Burden of Corpulency ’ ) .
7 Some approach the canonical figure of Degas with a frontal attack on the patriarchal structure of art history itself ( most vocally expressed by the feminist critiques of Pollock and Callen ) , others offer more tentative snipes at aspects and details of individual works .
8 It is the part of the poem which is most fundamentally centred on Ireland , as Artegall 's principal quest is to free Eirena from her enslavement by Grantorto , a cruel giant .
9 To follow this argument in more detail , it is worth turning to the product which is most intimately associated with the earliest period of the industrial revolution , that is cotton cloth .
10 Directly and of its own accord , it has ‘ not a little contributed towards spoiling the most useful parts of knowledge ’ : ‘ the plainest things in the world , those we are most intimately acquainted with , and perfectly know , when they are considered in an abstract way , appear strangely difficult and incomprehensible . ’
11 To most school librarians ( chartered librarians or otherwise ) it is the individual work with teachers and particularly pupils which is most satisfying and rewarding , and their knowledge of the books and other items available for children is what they most importantly claim as their special expertise .
12 On Bourdieu 's account these producers are most importantly understood through their habitus , and through their individual strategies and collective struggles .
13 As the foreword says , the Code is most importantly addressed to each local authority .
14 At the same time , his account of society has been one of the most bitterly contested of all social theories , for it is not only a sociological theory , but also a philosophy of man and a programme for revolutionary change in society .
15 In Scotland these include a special campaign to make the carrying of knives an offence ; the use of bullet-proof video cameras as a method of town centre surveillance ; and , most widely applied of all , a curb on late-night licences .
16 The technique has been most widely applied in the analysis of cytokine responses .
17 But the concept of the fiduciary duty said to be owed by the GLC to its rate payers was most widely emphasized by their Lordships .
18 the administration of production ( ie. the ‘ brain-work ’ ) and the actual supervision of production work are the most widely separated in large-batch and mass production companies ;
19 The stance most widely adopted by politicians , demographers , and economists was closely related to some of the eugenist arguments of the inter-war years : namely that the ageing of the population would create an unbalanced ratio of workers to dependents , with severe social and economic consequences .
20 Not surprisingly , these developments have been most widely exploited among the developed countries where the barriers to integration have been least .
21 Karrass Workshops are the most widely attended of their kind and are held in major cities worldwide .
22 This must be the most widely document in the world , and yet for most breakfasters , the story behind its contents remains a secret .
23 The kind most widely favoured for jewellery , at least in the west , was a delicate pale pink , but in and around Hawaii a black variety might be used for this purpose , and the Chinese were particularly keen on deep red coral for their carvings .
24 The fifth , sixth and seventh words are the most widely favoured for deletion .
25 Radio Renacena is the most widely listened to station in Portugal .
26 It was obviously important to Scott to have his case well stated in what was the most widely read of London newspapers and particularly after the damaging leader on 6th August .
27 Appropriately , the Wilcox narrative seems to be the book of his most widely read by the kind of people who have just put in a tough day at the office or have two weeks on the beach before clocking back on .
28 In this respect , the narrative of group 2 is appropriate , as their choices are most widely shared by other groups .
29 However , though honoured , especially in his native France , his discoveries were not immediately applicable and his contemporary influence therefore less than that of his fellow-countryman Louis Pasteur , who became , with Darwin , perhaps the mid-nineteenth-century scientist most widely known to the general public .
30 They are most widely known as company secretaries ( which is the function of roughly 20 per cent of the UK 's chartered secretaries ) .
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