Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 unless renewed the authority hereby conferred shall expire fifteen months after the passing of this Resolution or at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company whichever is the earlier save that the Company may , prior to such expiry , enter into a contract to purchase Shares which will or may be executed wholly or partly after such expiry and purchase Shares pursuant to such contract ;
2 If you are not , you may be heading for potential losses which could have been avoided and you are almost certainly not trading as effectively or profitably as you should !
3 No half day Saturdays , half day Saturdays , yes and then er I , I used to stay waiting for mother to come and my sister er to do the shopping in Willenhall cos they would n't shop anywhere else , and then erm my brother used to come with his cycle and er I used to carry a lot of the shopping back and my brother used to push a lot on his , on his cycle and mother and my sister used to stay down and have another walk around , but we 'd got to walk it back I 'd come back on the wagonette so or just after the buses started but er I 'll never forget the first time the bus ran it was pouring with rain and my sister was standing in front of me and she 'd got a new mac on and of course we were getting very wet and there was a scramble to get on the bus and the lady in front of her had got a bag of flour and of course the bag burst and went all down her
4 Now it was time to relax , to unburden themselves , and where better than here where symmetry and disorder , artistry and chance , met in such perfect balance ?
5 The shifts in pace , in tone , in level , come at us without warning , so that even as one part of the brain tries to grasp at this or that , to make sense of it before moving on , the rest responds to the exhilaration of being swept along the verbal equivalent of a ghost railway .
6 Other than that , it was important that she should look interesting so that even if what she said was dull the audience would not be bored ; that the outfit should take account of the long range view — jewellery or other small items were irrelevant — and that it should draw attention to her face .
7 The latter usually restricts its activities to areas of thicker vegetation , whereas Microtus agrestis favours more open areas , so that even if it is less common overall in the habitat it is more susceptible to predation by the owl and is taken more frequently .
8 There was something mysterious about him and she wanted to ask so many questions , but he had that locked-in look , so that even if she risked Salt 's caustic tongue and asked outright about how he 'd come to be a slave , what it was like in Jamaica , if Africa was full of cannibals and if he 'd eaten people , she 'd probably get no more than a few shrugs for answers .
9 So that even if a proprietor or advertiser does not exert undue pressure , there are other forces that impinge on the ‘ freedom ’ of an editor and a newspaper .
10 Such statements are in fact usually false , either because the combination of a and b is not a necessary condition of p , so that even if X had not done b , p might still have occurred , or because , even if X had n't done b , some other agent would have done it instead , thereby bringing about p .
11 so that even if we get a young person coming out of the workshops that may not be the best electrician going , we can find them something in a related area — an electrical warehouse , where their knowledge of the bits that they know will be put to good use and they 'll still be in that environment they want to work in .
12 Moreover , even if particular impulses are not mainly directed at pleasure , the typical ones do seem to be directed at the occurrence of certain states of ourselves , so that even if not hedonistic they are egoistic .
13 A problem with this idea is of course that most dreams are not remembered , so that even if solutions to problems are achieved during dreams they can not be regarded as adaptive , unless we are to believe that these solutions are somehow incorporated unconsciously .
14 Here it is argued that jurisdiction is conditional on its proper exercise so that even if a tribunal is entitled to enter into the enquiry , it can lose its power by the way that power is used .
15 In those cases the report is not in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance so that even if negligently prepared it is not a matter of complaint within paragraph 3 of Part II to Schedule 12 .
16 She lived in Half Moon Crescent ( he had checked the number and the street before he 'd started out on his trek , so that even if Slater had lost or forgotten her number , she would not be lost to him ) .
17 The base of the upper division can he defined as precisely as the lowest grain of sediment above the golden spike , so that even if there is a break at the level chosen , the definition will still stand and missing strata below the spike will automatically belong to the lower division .
18 So that even if you 've these benefits , that other life cover would then go on
19 which often looks quite nice so that even if what you 've found does n't quite match up with what they 've found you can say well look you know these theories , ideas are need enriching , they 're a bit inadequate as they stand because what happens when somebody tells you this , what happens when somebody says this erm you know we can , we can revise them in the following way
20 And to try to create jobs for the women so that even if their men are out of work they can provide at least some income .
21 She was able to organize her day so that even though she seemed to be less harassed than Maggie the meals were always delicious and on time .
22 Teaching is a purposive activity , so that even though the teacher or school may not formulate aims consciously they will be implicit in the teaching , and will influence the course of the student 's education .
23 As some people join , others leave so that even though the total number of unemployed may have remained unchanged from one month to the next , the composition of that unemployment may have changed considerably .
24 ‘ It left him so that even though he is now 24 , he is still like a little child .
25 The important thing is that the slot be timetabled in , so that even where video provision is very limited , everyone is encouraged to think about how they can use what there is .
26 — the spelling of English was more or less fixed several hundred years ago ; but the pronunciation keeps changing , so that even where a letter once corresponded more or less to a sound , now it may not ;
27 So that even when suspicions had been roused and blood tests called for , Marie was convinced the baby she was nurturing was her own .
28 So much so that even when I had abandoned hopes of luring her into my narrow and uncomfortable bed , we frequently got together for a drink or a cheap meal .
29 In distinction to this , morality , for the Victorians and increasingly for the generations that have come after , has been to a significant degree organised around concepts of sexuality , so that even when moral attitudes were authoritarian and restrictive , as the dominant notions were for much of the nineteenth century , sexuality had a vigorous presence .
30 The most successful weepers are those who have integrated a loving carer into their experience , so that even when they are weeping alone they do not feel abandoned or frightened .
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