Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 I was all for telling you everything about Elaine .
2 The Company will indemnify your next of kin for travelling expenses incurred necessarily in visiting you should you be confined to hospital as a direct result of an accident sustained whilst engaged on Company business .
3 ‘ I 'd have to know you a lot better before telling you such things . ’
4 This emotion which , even as I planned to drive to Prague , while admitting only to liking you well enough to want to ease any problems that might arise , made me instruct Lubor … ’
5 This is worth remembering if your employer tries to justify giving you a raw deal by interpreting a stringent contract of employment harshly , eg by insisting you move your place of work at short notice and without financial help from Leeds to Birmingham , as in one case — even where this is within the terms of an express contractual mobility clause .
6 Perhaps by contemplating you will find something that is wrong in your proposition … dig the gold and look at the country , but we can not give you the country you ask for .
7 skin up The Clinique Skin Survival Kit is handy for the gym , for travelling or just for helping you to keep the bathroom tidy .
8 I 've yet to work out why you were quite so angry with me just for hauling you out of the water , Caroline . ’
9 But do n't let anyone get away with telling you that IBM 's problems are all the fault of the world economy : if Hewlett-Packard Co can grow at 20% in the current climate , if ICL Plc can remain in the black , if that former corporate basket case Unisys Corp , which compared with IBM started out under its present management with no advantages at all , can return to profit , IBM 's woes have to be acknowledged to be primarily the fault of the company itself , and only exacerbated by the economy .
10 We you know , I could have got away with giving you seventeen and half percent !
11 Depending on your employment situation and the length of time you have had away from nursing you may be asked to provide a character or employer 's reference .
12 I do n't like to throw them away without asking you .
13 The climax of the evening was perhaps on the premature side , as the star of the saga , David Holburn alias Rob himself , appeared complete with fake beard on stage before every performance , ‘ Just tae greet ye . ’
14 Just by telling you . ’
15 But now suppose that you know I am behind the tree , you are expecting me to leap out , and I know you know all that : I can still ( maybe ) frighten you by leaping out , just by getting you to realize that I intend to frighten you .
16 But I mean there 's a Wed a Thursday night we could always of said you know
17 Those in favour any against thank you .
18 Those in favour any against thank you .
19 I put the resolution to the meeting those in favour any against thank you very much , I declare the resolution carried as a special reso resolution .
20 Would n't it be lovely , then , to be able to tell your PC that you want to run a CD ROM based game , and would it please re-configure itself to do the best job , preferably without making you wait five minutes while it re-boots ?
21 In their advertising the emphasis is always on telling you that if you have the latest lens you 'll get the best picture , and that you should continually update your equipment .
22 A short bout of exercise has a further role , namely of waking you up in the morning as it turns on the alerting mechanisms of the body .
23 ‘ Now , ’ he said , ‘ in answer to your question — I hurried to the wings because I could n't stand to let any more time than was strictly necessary go past without having you in my arms . ’
24 We look forward to seeing you all at our wedding , and later to welcoming you to dinner in our new home .
25 Two days of every session 's secondment to SCOTVEC is devoted to update training aimed at both keeping you in touch with the latest developments in SCOTVEC and in the modules in your area and also at giving you opportunities to meet fellow subject assessors to discuss the implementation of national standards in your cognate group .
26 Because of all the bad press that miners got and in a sense Quix was responding from higher up probably by saying you know well take the b they took the box away in fact at the end of the miner 's strike and then when this strike came along they thought it would n't you know the the they that was their rule sort of thing .
27 ‘ She has , but she wanted to make sure it would be all right before telling you .
28 right in thinking you can only have one TESSA ?
29 So , I have told him before because he has been told off before for talking you know at the back
30 I never got so far in teaching you .
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