Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] to make an " in BNC.

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1 It is obviously easier to make an appointment with an individual than organize a group , although once a format programme has been decided , handouts printed , and a venue organized , most of the other organizational tasks can be carried out by clerical and secretarial staff .
2 An articulate Inspector of Accidents who has personal experience of these matters is possibly better able to make an assessment of such things than a lawyer who has little more experience than turbulence in flight spilling some of the champagne in the first class section of the cabin .
3 Where , as appears to be the case at Uppark , it is physically possible to make an accurate restoration of a great building , it should be made — and not jeered at as the creation of a theme park of misnamed pastiche .
4 It is not possible to say whether a substantial report is more likely to make an impact than a slim report .
5 But you 're still unlikely to make an impression at the General Election ?
6 Experience will teach Robert that it is more efficient to make an estimate first ‘ This length fits round my head .
7 ’ It 's more satisfying to make an arrest but it 's more practical to put someone off because while you 're in the back room charging someone , other shoplifters are having a field day in the store . ’
8 If it becomes obvious during the base leg or final turn that you are far too high to be able to get down in the chosen field , it is often possible to make an S-turn to use up some of the height .
9 As a result , Mr Jacobs says , it cost nearly as much to make an episode of Paradise , with relatively unknown actors , as an episode of Dallas , with its big stars .
10 Blind choosers must , by the rules of chance , be just as likely to make an accidentally correct choice .
11 At the sixth meeting members agreed that ‘ as a result of their examination of the first six courses they had established certain standards for assessment and were now able to make an objective judgment upon the courses submitted ’ .
12 Are at least able to make an educated guess as to who is collapsing the scrummage .
13 The ambitious Spanish carrier is almost certain to make an offer for Peru 's state AeroPeru when it is ( eventually ) privatised , and is also eyeing the Dominican Republic 's airline , Dominicana .
14 In the newspaper the headlines were still speculating about a General Election and Mr Callaghan was once again promising to make an early statement .
15 The colony 's authorities are privately furious Newall was again able to make an attempt on his life under the noses of his guards .
16 He thinks you are an unreliable and subversive influence in the theatre , and he will be only too pleased to make an example of you . ’
17 As you do not mention any test results or other details of water changes , it is very difficult to make an accurate prognosis .
18 I am not convinced that this find is a weapon ( it is very difficult to make an accurate judgement from the rough sketch ) .
19 For a child too young to make an informed request the information may be disclosed to a parent on his behalf .
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