Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He even wanted us to go to them tomorrow , ’ she added , feeling rather guilty as she remembered .
2 Social interviews , sometimes known as ‘ trial by sherry ’ , are theoretically relaxed occasions , like a drinks party or dinner , but the atmosphere tends to become rather strained as one half of the party sizes up and assesses the other half .
3 David looked rather odd as she said that , but he left so quickly that she could not ask him anything about it and picked up her book to absorb the time until Annunziata brought in her supper .
4 He wore a white robe and hat like mine , a little odd as they were of Nigerian design .
5 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
6 I tend to paint very quickly , so the paint is always rather damp as I flit round the paper , putting a colour here and one there , and at first it all looks a bit of a jumble .
7 ‘ It is the swim which is still the most exciting as everything depends on the tide .
8 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
9 Even Sheila grew a little afraid as they drew close to the house .
10 The walls were no longer quite so solid as they had seemed , and each white-suited attendant seemed to conceal an assassin dressed in black .
11 This is not so hypocritical as it sounds for Godwin hated violence and war .
12 To backtrack a little , the case is perhaps not so monolithic as I have implied : for which we have to return to the detail of Callinicos ' ‘ No ’ to Lukács .
13 The area was highly unsuitable as it was considered a watershed for the Lee Valley .
14 The Warden ( Vice-Chancellor ) Duff assured them that he was now not nearly so odd as he was when he had known him at the choir school of King 's College .
15 I wo n't forget Linford Christie 's eyeballs — bulging , fixed and apparently unseeing as he burst from the 100 metres pack .
16 The shield may not have proved quite so strong as they had expected , and in more recent times it has been supported by offensive weapons , such as inspections or investigations instigated by the Department of Trade and Industry .
17 All of which goes to show that masculine reason and logic are perhaps not so strong as you may have supposed .
18 The French are not so polite as they were 15 years ago .
19 This was not so heartless as it might seem .
20 As Richards has recently indicated , the Cox survey and the longitudinal study are not as mutually supportive as they seem at first sight .
21 Maize pollen is not so resilient as its phytoliths , but New Mexico is drier than Panama , and pollen survives well there .
22 He looked so frail as I watched Gavin help him out of the car , followed by the cat basket .
23 He may be shy at first , but after a while he will get over that : he is not half so shy as he was , of course not .
24 You can see so little as you blunder on that you are an easy target for any animal seeking fresh meat .
25 Once you have done that it makes sense , again , either to make the household as credible ( average , ordinary , pleasant ? ) as possible or , for the sake of effect , as zany , improbable , and perhaps Addams-like as you can .
26 So it 's not so unbelievable as you think . ’
27 This tends to make most people somewhat lazy as they take one another for granted .
28 Her mouth seemed suddenly dry as she said , ‘ I 've promised , and I do n't like breaking promises . ’
29 A priori this latter feature might be thought somewhat undesirable as it implies that the higher the rate of growth of wealth the lower the share of the total portfolio held within the UK .
30 At the start she is only so cruel as she is only Miss Havisham 's tool for revenge , and later she seems to have a little pity for Pip when she warns him that she has no heart .
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