Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] for so " in BNC.

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1 The argument begs the massive question of why productivity has been absolutely so low for so long .
2 I 've been so afraid for so long that you 'd never care for me …
3 Her husband , John , 77 , said : ‘ She did so much for so many people .
4 In inviting the JTO 's to Baron 's Court in 1989 for discussions of the development of the junior programme , the LTA were seeking to include all those worthy volunteers who have contributed so much for so many years to the running of junior tournaments in this country .
5 You should never have been so eager to pay so much for so poor a privilege . ’
6 ‘ She had suffered so much for so long .
7 Priced at just under £30,000 , however , the Alpine offers so much for so little as to question the morality of widening the scope of supercar ownership far beyond those dedicated few prepared to invest in the high level of training to drive one safely .
8 And another Quote of the Week ( and how long we have had to wait for the national press to notice what has been so obvious for so long ) : ‘ With Waterstones backed by W H Smith , and Pentos ’ gearing rising , there can be little doubt who has the deeper pockets to fight a protracted battle .
9 Did you ever think it was unfair that you had to work so hard for so little money ?
10 While George Bush promised no new taxes , Clinton said that he would rebuild the economy by penalising high earners who have had it so good for so long .
11 ‘ We were so good for so long that we took it for granted .
12 No , I do n't get bored at all with it , er because snooker is not er like American pool , where you go out there with a stick and just knock balls all over the table ; snooker is snooker , and the name of snooker is to play this , you know , this game of chess on the green baize , and er that 's what , you see this is where Davis has been so good for so long , a ) he 's a supreme professional , he once apologised for only practising for two hours on Christmas Day rather than four , er and if you look at Davis ' score sheets and his matches , which I 've done over the years , you 'll see a lot of breaks of around sort of fifty five , sixty , sixty five , and then he stops , he plays the safety shot and says to his opponent ‘ okay , your turn ’ , plays the percentage game , the occasional knock in the very big ones , but that 's why he 's won so much , because he thinks it out so well , and knows the averages , knows the percentages and plays the game that way .
13 How did the world remain so blind for so long ?
14 These heavily tattooed men , now unemployed civilians , were so drunk for so long that they could barely talk or even sit up .
15 At one point , early on , this kid was counting out money and saying something like , you have n't got a choice there and if you do n't like it you can shop around , when we said , in a voice I 'd never heard before , a voice that no longer pretended to be nice , a voice that expressed all the effort of pretending to be so nice for so long .
16 It is such relentless attention that makes her garden so spectacular for so much of the year .
17 No harm in that : pedestrian documentation is what there is a call for — Pound himself , and his admirers emulating him , have been so sprightly for so long that they have persuaded people they , and he , can not be in earnest .
18 Partly because the machinery of repression has been so all-embracing for so long , stifling any messages of opposition before they reached a platform , and partly because Romania has for so long been cut off from the mainstream of European thinking and political change , constructive ideas have been hard to come by .
19 The skua is astonishingly agile for so big a bird , but can not keep up among the throng and gives up .
20 She had been almost unnaturally brave for so long , and now it was as though she had been given licence to cry over everything .
21 The Department of Transport , the advertising industry and the police have combined to crack down on this menace which is still responsible for so much carnage and misery .
22 The notes refer to other dancers representing handmaidens , a bird and winds : rather complex for so short a work .
23 ‘ But if it 's the giants you 're wanting to fool , then it 'd be the grand old Draoicht Suan , ’ said Pumlumon , and the Gnomes nodded sagely and said that would be it , the Draoicht Suan it would be , the spell that had kept the Trees fast asleep for so many years now , and was n't it a powerful strong spell and Pumlumon the fellow to be spinning it for them all ?
24 The façade is pierced by five doorways filled with bronze doors , some of which are remarkably new for so ancient a building .
25 One hand rests between his cheek and the pillow , cupping his head almost maternally ; the other , hairy but oddly sensitive for so big and coarse a man , lies outside the sheet .
26 But , as Schopf asks , if such diverse communities were present at this early date , why did their members remain essentially unchanged for so long ?
27 Was her waist just a shade too stiff for so massive a skirt ?
28 Because the loops are too small for so many trebles they frill up as you can see .
29 I had the club already going , was dealing with mainly young people , and as you will know young people 's taste tends to vary quite considerably and very quickly , so I might well be very successful for so long and then if suddenly taste changed and I had n't got the ability to change with the times I realized that it would be rather precarious , so I needed a second string to my bow .
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