Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 They seemed to be mostly line-and-wash with an occasional burst of colour , and even when I got close to them I found I had to concentrate to see what they were about .
2 ‘ Do n't you think he looks rather divine as an officer ? ’
3 Unlike the natural sciences , which deal largely in results , the social sciences are rightly concerned for practice , perhaps because results are rarely possible in an exact mathematical sense .
4 Our task was to persuade teachers that classroom discussion of linguistic terms could be stimulating and creative , even if a long account of children 's talk looked a little strange in an official Report directed to the Secretary of State .
5 Because the hypergastrinaemia in H pylori infection is predominantly due to an increase in the antral gastrin form , gastrin heptadecapeptide ( G17 ) , we infused G17 intravenously and determined the effect of eradication of H pylori on acid secretion , parietal cell sensitivity to gastrin , and the metabolic clearance of G17 .
6 Doctrinaire Anglicization marked some of these changes , but Somerset 's enduring reputation was rather that of an autocrat , as appeared from his conflict with leaders of English-speaking opinion in the colonial community , George Greig , John Fairbairn , and Thomas Pringle , who successfully used the governor 's quarrels with two reprobate settlers to demand press freedom .
7 Merrick was Kent 's most prolific wicket-taker last summer with 61 and Penn , who took 52 , the most economical with an average of 25.44 .
8 The ban on all sales and supplies to Iraq and Kuwait specifically included arms ; it excluded medical supplies and , in wording made less specific following an initiative by Ethiopia , the supply of food in humanitarian circumstances .
9 Jade was apparently right for an emperor , jade and pearls for an official of grades 1–3 , jade and gold for those of grades 4–7 , gold or silver for gentry and silver for ordinary folk .
10 This relatively weak coalification is obviously due to an early ‘ Pre-Permian updoming ’ of the Westphalian and to a late subsidence in very recent times which caused a very young re-coalification that is not yet in equilibrium with the present depth and temperature .
11 STAR Trek star Patrick Stewart was so upset by an episode dealing with torture he studied harrowing tapes of interviews with victims .
12 Kingdom membership was only possible through an act of God .
13 Suddenly from behind that bush he hears a rustle and some movement , obviously that of an animal .
14 The deep red , main crop rhubarb — although much coarser with an often stringy skin — has a clean , tart flavour .
15 As it was , I believe my judgement proved quite sound on the question of timing ; the fact that things turned out as they did is entirely attributable to an error of judgement in another direction altogether .
16 For example , the Winter of Discontent was not only destructive in an economic sense .
17 The most obvious consequence of removing the hippocampus in the rat is that the animals have an immense difficulty in refraining from responses that lead to punishment , a deficit in passive avoidance apparently due to an inability to inhibit inappropriate responses .
18 An element within the Preprotachykinin A ( PPT ) promoter is highly homologous to an element from the rat type II Na channel promoter .
19 I feel for him , for he is a man who has never lived the life of a man , but only that of an overgrown schoolboy .
20 My late arrival was entirely due to an unenjoyable ride on British Rail .
21 But if you are currently aching to play our exciting , educational , fun-for-all-the-family boardgame , Landslide ( order an extra copy now for your friend or household pet ! ) , but are unable to do so due to an embarrassingly die-free domestic situation , all you have to do is write a letter to me , addressed to Oi !
22 It is apparent that the aversion developed only poorly with an exposure-test interval of 3.5 h but that conditioning proceeded more readily ( latent inhibition was attenuated although not abolished ) when the interval was increased .
23 The matter is , however , far from conclusive and the presence of the southern building on a different alignment , much nearer to an east-west axis , with the entrance at the west side , raises the possibility that a small Christian shrine was built to sanctify the site ; , but this , according to the rather tenuous argument over the coins , did not take place until the end of the century .
24 She thought about the Josephs , apparently guilty of an especially heartless and greedy crime , and wondered how they had got drugs into the United States and whether they would ever do so again .
25 so fifty to an hour would be
26 These provisions vary depending on the nature of your work — a building site is obviously different from an office .
27 Observe , for instance , the ungrammaticality of ( 2 ) , and , while ( 3 ) is acceptable , it is only acceptable with an interpretation that bears no systematic relation to the sentence in ( 1 ) : ( 2 ) *how does muzak drive them ? ( 3 ) how will the mixture turn the buttons ?
28 The humility of the common object is especially clear in an area of mass material culture such as furnishing .
29 If tension was so high in an area not stricken by famine , it may be assumed that as much or more violence occurred in regions like the Ukraine and Tambov guberniia , which were nearly as badly off as the Volga .
30 This is often not quite so unpleasant as an aa flow to move across ; instead of loose angular cindery material , the surface consists of big , angular , smooth-sided blocks of solid lava , much more agreeable to touch and walk over .
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